Dear Readers,
here, on Twitter, and Elijahreturns.blogspot, It’s difficult now to know what to say to you. We are nearing the time of the end time phase which will be 7 years in duration. And it won’t be an easy one either, in fact it will be the most horrific in all human history, and will make the time of the German Nazis look like a walk in the park. We now witness the very take down of human society, the stage being set for the most horrific oppression ever witnessed in the course of all human history. I have run out of words, of knowing what to say, as I feel powerless to help anyone, especially those I love, especially you who may read these pages. You have no idea of the pain of heart this brings.
here, on Twitter, and Elijahreturns.blogspot, It’s difficult now to know what to say to you. We are nearing the time of the end time phase which will be 7 years in duration. And it won’t be an easy one either, in fact it will be the most horrific in all human history, and will make the time of the German Nazis look like a walk in the park. We now witness the very take down of human society, the stage being set for the most horrific oppression ever witnessed in the course of all human history. I have run out of words, of knowing what to say, as I feel powerless to help anyone, especially those I love, especially you who may read these pages. You have no idea of the pain of heart this brings.
But, we are not without anyone to call out the warnings, for there are many. But, we owe special thanks to Alex Jones of Prisonplanet who makes it possible to warn people from a secular and professional Journalistic point of view. But all Alex has published is now in fulfilment of Gods word.
To Alex and all his research team, we thank you, especially as this has been a work that has been done while putting your own lives at risk while declaring the things that the powers of this world are about to bring on mankind.
But, between that time beginning, from the time we are in now, it will get even more critical, and there may even be a series of events, maybe even staged. Events so critical, that they path the very way for the Antichrist to come and appear as a Savior that will offer mankind the solution to all the chaos? In fact, we know, when he does rise to ultimate power, the world will follow him in wonderment and in awe. So powerful effect will this person have. He will be a great orator, and as Christ said, even some of the Holy Ones of God will be fooled by him and even follow him, but to their eternal detriment.
We are not in that time yet, and as difficult and as tough things may very well be, what we see and even experience today, these experiences and events are not the markers for the end time as spoken of by Christ.
But, as I have said, and many others before me, when we do go into that time, it will be the most horrific in all human history, with ¼ of the world’s population dying during the first part of the 7 year tribulation period, just prior to rise of the Antichrist, just prior to him consolidating his power. This will be a time of major war which will result in famine, disease and natural disasters, and this systems collapse that we now live in, the 7th head of the wild beast receiving its mortal head wound as it were.
(1) The time of Revelation 6 coincides with that of Matthew 24: 3-14, Mark 13:1-13 and Luke 21:5-19. This is the picture of our world even before Antichrist has risen to ultimate power.
These are the first 1260 days of the last 7 Year period.
These are the first 1260 days of the last 7 Year period.
(2) The Great Tribulation coincides with periods of Matthew 24:15-28, Mark 13:14-23, Luke 21:20-26, Revelation 8:1-9:21, 12:7-12, 16:1-21.
These are the last 1260 days of the last 7 Year period.
These are the last 1260 days of the last 7 Year period.
Events of First 1260 Day Time Period:
(1) Declaration of 7 Year Covenant
(2) Jews allowed to worship and sacrifice again in Jerusalem in the end time Third Temple
(3) Preaching of the good news of the Kingdom
(4) Destruction of Babylon the Great (The Worldwide Empire of False Religious Worship)
Destruction of Babylon
As stated previously, the destruction of Babylon, it will not be quick, there will be a slow process, but the execution of the orders for its destruction will indeed be swift. The destruction of Babylon will be on Antichrists agenda, as he alone will want worship for himself, and the only way this can be achieved is by having all worship of God, indeed any god, out of the way.
Babylon will be destroyed by the “10 Kings” that will rule alongside Antichrist for “1 hour”. The rule of the Beast, as we are informed, will be for 42 months (Revelation 13:5, 17:12). From the opening of the 7th Seal there will be a period of silence for ½ hour before Trumpet 1 blows. Trumpet 1 is the beginning of a series of Trumpets that will blow that will bring respective plagues with them right down until the very conclusion. This conclusion being Christ’s 2nd/final arrival at the 7th and final Trumpet.
It is here when God will pour the last bowl of his anger out which will see the end of all things in this “age” we now live in (Revelation 8:1-9:21). This ½ hour period of silence, will this give all the unbelieving the impression thatGods Kingdom really has arrived during that period?
Will it be a time of a “kind of peace"? For we know that when “Peace and Security” goes forward, then the destruction will come suddenly (1 Thessalonians 5:3).
Further, Antichrist's Religion will be a religion that has never been seen before, for “the father, even the fore fathers” of Antichrist never knew of. This is revealed to us in Daniel 11:38. Scofield (1909) said this may be “some kind of worship of the elements”.
Revelation of Antichrist
Whatever the case may be, we will not know these details until this Antichrist will eventually be revealed, and this will only happen:
(1) By will of God
(2) When “that which is restraining Antichrist’s revealing” is removed
(3) When Satan empowers the candidate that is set to become Antichrist
(4) When Antichrist enters the end time Temple of God in Jerusalem, sits himself down inside it, declares that he is God, and demands that he be worshipped as God.
These events must occur first, they are a precursor to the Great Tribulation which will begin immediately afterwards. A Tribulation which is to come upon all of mankind living now at this very time, the “Generation” that is living now if you will.
The introduction of this World Religion will see the institution of the Mark of the Beast.
As you know, at this moment, Peace Talks are now in progress, and these include the “division” of the Land and of Jerusalem as prophesied by Joel, and we know, that when the end time “Temple” is erected, it will be so, but in very troublesome times.
Antichrist: Where Does He Rise From?
We know that this system we are now in is beginning to collapse, but out of the ashes of its demise will arise the Kingdom of the Antichrist. There appears to be “a kind of destruction”, and yet there is “a resurrection” if you will of this Antichrist. Not that Satan can resurrect the dead, the idea is used symbolically in the passage. It is probably a part of the Empire of the Antichrist that appears to die out, and then revive again?
Now, if indeed the Final Kingdom and Empire of biblical prophecy is the “Roman Empire”, and the Roman Empire ceased to be, and yet the prediction is, it would revive again in the last days. Then the reunification of Europe today in the form of the European Union, this ought to attract our attention.
The very fact that the European Union was established in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome, and calls ultimately for the “city of Rome” to be the capital of the new Europe, if this is true, then this will be resurrection if you will, the revival and restoration of the Beast. This then would appear to be the kingdom by which the Antichrist would emerge from, coming out of Europe to ultimately rule the World.
Antichrists Seat of Power: Jerusalem?
The Bible reveals to us that Antichrist will enter the end time Temple inJerusalem, and declare “there” that he is God, and demand “there” that he be worshipped as God. Like Manasseh, he may hang effigies in Gods Temple to be offensive to him (2 Chronicles 33:7, 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-4).
We learn that the last Two Witnesses will be killed outside the “Great City” where their Lord Jesus Christ was executed, and Jesus was put to death outside “Jerusalem”. So, as we can see, Antichrist will destroy all religion 30 days prior to Killing off the last two witnesses.
His period of Rule is 1260 days/42 Months (Revelation 13:5, Daniel 7:25-26, 12:7). But, the beginning of that rule may be 30 days earlier with all worship of God ceasing worldwide on Antichrists ascension to ultimate power and position of worship (Daniel 12:11).
All of this occurs “prior” to Antichrist entering that “City” and that “Temple” to do these things, and when he does, then the “Trampling of the Nations” and “Time of Revenge” as spoken of by Christ in Luke begins.
Keeping Awake, Remaining Alert
Christ said keep awake, keep watch, and I guess we all must do this. To be sure, what is coming on the face of the planet is not going to very pleasant, but Israel is the Time Clock/Fig Tree for all these things happening.
What will you do?
Where will you go?
How can you escape these things?
Questions like these will be answered when this time period does begin for real, and they will be answered by the Last Two Witnesses of God and the Jewish Remnant of 144000 who are coming not only with the Good News that Gods Kingdom is indeed near, but also the last pronouncements of God. Like Christ, they will perform the most astounding miracles ever seen on the face of this planet. Works and Miracles, like those of Christ’s which will indeed draw out all the desirable things of the Nations, a crowd which no man is able to number prior to the destruction coming.
We know some things, so can be prepared for these events, but the representatives of God who are coming will indeed not hold back as they reveal all things as well as the real truth which we all crave for.