The Person is to be distinguished from the very many that would appear leading up to this singular persons appearance. His spirit is also one which categorizes all.
You may want to read the essay on Apostasy to get a better picture of theAntichrists that would appear on the scene leading up to the final and singular Antichrist that is shortly to appear on the scene as we head on into the last 7 years of mankinds history. Click on the link below:
The supreme mark of all belonging to him, the mark that identifies him, that which marks him out as the one, is the complete denial of Christian truth that Jesus is the Christ.
The many Antichrists prepare the way as well as precede the way of the final Antichrist who is not only a false prophet, but also the last and final Beast that comes out of the Earth (Revelation 13:11-17, 16:13, 19:20, 20:10).
He is the last and final king as well as Ecclesiastical Head: He is the 8th and final King that springs from the previous7. And, for the purposes of persecution, he is allowed to exercise dominion over the Earth for the last 1260 days of mankinds history. This being the time of theGreat Tribulation which is shortly to befall all of mankind:
"The Time is Now, Now is the Time" Dr. Alan Watt
"The Generation Living Now", this is "The Generation" that will soon see all these things that are about to come to pass as spoken of by Christ.
And this King who is an "Individual", he is the "little horn" that makes great boasts. He is an "Apostate Jew of the Christian faith" who was"once in a covenant relationship with Yahweh and his appointed Christ".This man of sin was once in a treasured position with God the Almighty just as Satan was when he was the caretaker of the Earth, the so called "Covering Cherub".
On his (Antichrist's) rise to power, he will go to war with 3 kings, 3 Kings that most probably oppose his right and quest to rule. This war, or, the Wars on these 3 kings, these may very well be the wars spoken of in Daniel & in Revelation 11, whereby 1/4 of the world will face eradication, and that is even before the Antichrist has risen to Ultimate and Supreme power. This war or these wars are fought prior to this systems collapse at seal 6, andprior to going to war against the Holy ones of God. He will hunt down and kill the Holy Ones of God (Revelation 6:9, 20:4 11:3-10). This is carried out prior to his ultimate rise to power, prior to the Great Tribulation breaking forth.
He will seek to change times and seasons as well introduce a "new religion and god", one his father, even forefathers never ever knew. It is through him that the great falling away from the faith comes, even some of theholy ones of Jehovah will be fooled by him. He will turn his attention to the fallen ones of the holy ones of Yahweh to get them to dream a dream and make a revelation come true for him.
He substitutes the worship of God and his only begotten Son the Christ, for agod of Fortresses, or For Forces of Nature/The Elements(Scofield 1909, Chuck Missler: The New World Order). He will perform wonders, Miracles and signs, but wonders and signs which are only lying and deceptive ones that come from Satan the Devil himself, the real and insidious power behind this throne of this last king.
An image will be created in his likeness so all on the entire inhabited Earth will be forced to fall down and worship him, even on pain of death. For without this last Kings mark, no one will be able to buy or sell (Compare Revelation 13:15-18 Daniel 3:6, 11:22, 31-32, 36-39 ).
While he reigns supreme, he willdeclare himself as a god and demand worship whilst sitting in Gods Temple, and he will even decry everything that is godly and reverend. He will make himselfirresistible as a king. He will establish his palace in Jerusalemduring his reign of very blasphemous impiety, and do all that is offensive in the nostrils of God himself so as to cause offence. This begins with the slaying of the Last Two Witnesses of Yahweh, the Imprisonment of Gods people and ends 1290 days later at the end of the 70th and last week of years. This begins some 30 days before the mission of the last two witnesses of Yahweh comes to its end.
This occurs in a time never seen before on the Earth, and one which will never be seen again. By the time his reign ends, at least 3/4 of the Earth will be destroyed and die at his hand. The first 1/4 dying due to the next and very soon oncoming World War III. Famine, Disease, and Natural disasters all follow as a result.
Israel is still to play a major role in outworking of Gods purposes as detailed in all the prophetical books, especially that of Revelation and Zechariah.
Natural Israel is still Gods people, anda core remnant from that people are still to return to God, and Jerusalem will never be efaced or destroyed completely, as it will be the future seat of Power as well as centre of worship once more, and King David will once again sit and rule the Earth from his throne in Jerusalem in the coming Kingdom of God.
The Eartquakes as spoken of in Zechariah and Revelation that will split mount Moriah and kill thousands, this is still to be realized.
Certainly, the signs we see now, and the "signs" we see on this distressed Earth may very well describe this planet coming or drawing toward its end, as the signs are somewhat awesome and fearful indeed, but these signs, the signs we see now at this present moment, these are not the markers which Christ spoke of in Matthew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21. We are not in that time frame yet. But, when we do enter that time frame its going to be a whole differant world than that we know at the moment.
For when we actually do go into that time slot, we are going to be faced with the most "fearful" and "horrific" times and events ever witnessed on this planet, times which only become worse as the Tribulation under the hand of Antichrist intensifies on his rise to power....no wonder Jesus said that unless those days be cut short, then no flesh could be saved .
Our System we now live in as ruled over by Britain and America collapses at the 6th seal, and the Prince to come, who is the Man of Sin, The Devils Advocate here on the Earth rises to ultimate power.
It will be real hell on Earth as Satan is casted out of Heaven to rule here upon the Earth for the last 1260 days of mankind's History. No wonder Christ will declare in Heaven after this ousting of the accuser of the Holy ones of Jehovah, "rejoice you heavens and all who reside therein, but woe to the Earth for the Devil has come down to you in great anger".
We will move into this last 7 years of mankinds history soon, and it will be marked by the events as described in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, but events that will completely overshadow what we see on our planet today with regards to extremes of terror. This time is a time of Geo Political chaos. It also sees the "arrival" of the last two witnesses of "Christ" as well as arrival that of the Antichrist.