"The Six Seals"
The Four Horsemen
The Wrath of Man
(1260 days)
Christ opens the first of Seven seals
Satan falls to earth
The Wrath of Man
(1260 days)
Christ opens the first of Seven seals
Satan falls to earth
(Matthew 24:4-14 Revelation 6:2-17) First 42 Month Time Period
First Seal: Christ opens first of Several Seals. False Christ Antichrist Arrives Bringing A 7 Year Peace To Middle East And The World.The Call Of Peace And Security Go Forth, But Destruction Follows Directly Afterwards. Last Two Prophets of God also arrive on the scene. They preach the last pronouncements of God during this first 1260 day tribulation period.
Second Seal: Nation against nation
Third Seal: Famine
Fourth Seal: 1/4 of earth dies (1.5+ billion)
Fifth Seal: Martyrdom of holy ones of Yahweh. Holy ones of Yahweh are slain. 30 days prior to this all worship of God ceases worldwide as Antichrist sets himself up as something to be venerated and worshipped.
Sixth Seal: Earthquakes, stars fall, Present System as ruled by Britain and America collapses. Satan is expelled from Heaven and Christ takes over control. Satan's expulsion coincides with collapse of the nations. The Symbolic King and Kingdom of Tyre come to its end.
The Seventh Head of the Wild Beast receives its mortal head wound, only to rise again as the 8th and final world King of Biblical Prophecy. He will be a mass murdering Tyrant.
Sudden birth pains: The Great Tribulation begins suddenly and unexpectedly.
Summary of Events of Six Seals
Christ opens the first of seven seals which sees the rise of Antichristmoving forward in his quest for World domination. A 7 Year Peace is declared. The Jews begin to rebuild their Temple, but destruction follows immediately after this declaration of Peace. This also marks the arrival of the last two witnesses of God.
The first 3 1/2 years start with the beginning of the "Antichrist's effort of world conquest", which helps plunge the world into the deadliest wars in history, followed by the resulting famines, disease, persecutions, and complete breakdown of the old world order.
This makes way for the Satan’s mimic kingdom of Jehovah’s real one by means of his New World Order. He makes a covenant with the many for 7 years, even with some of those leaving the Holy Covenant.

And as Christ himself had said, many of the holy ones will be fooled by this King thinking Gods Kingdom has arrived through him.
This time period also sees the arrival the last two servants of God, their execution at the end of their mission sees the Antichrists rise to absolute supremacy. They will perform the most spectacular miracles ever witnessed on this planet. Their preaching activity which will reach into all territories, along with these powerful works will demonstrate that the Kingdom is very close at hand (Reverend C.I Scofield DD 1909).
Oil is the key. Oil has become the life blood of the world's economies. The Antichrist will likely gain broad power by controlling much of the world's oil supply, as well as the internet, banking, satellite systems, and nuclear weapons to be sure.
The Gospel must be preached to all nations is a requirement before the end time comes. And this commission is carried out by the elite two witness group. The Great Commission will be completed as the Gentile world overwhelmingly rejects Christ. As last and formal worship of Jehovah stops 30 days before the two witnesses complete their mission and Wild Beast is set up.Like Christ they are slain in the middle of the week, but the last and 70th one, but rise again 3.5 days (or years) later.
The Nations and Anglo American duel World Power falls along with Babylon The Great, but Old World Order and its Religion rises again, butas the New World Order and New World Religion.
Elijah Returns