The Prince That is Coming
What Are These 2300 Evenings And Mornings?
The 2300 evenings and mornings to come are 1150 literal days (Die Elberfelder Bibel Mit Erklaerungen).
The Bible book of Daniel leads us to believe they begin 30 days before the mission of the last two witnesses ends:
"And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days" (Daniel 12:11a).
So, there is a 30 day period for the removal of worship and 1260 days set up of the Wild Beasts rule. A total of 1290 days. But the actual rule of the beast is only for 1260 days(Revelation 13:5 11:2 Daniel 7:25 12:7).
And in a world today where everything happens so fast, its highly possible that 30 days would be enough for such draconian measures andMartial Law to commensurate to be able to get Worship out of the way.....but with very draconian and somewhat drastic measures? Remains to be seen.....
Just look at whats going on around you at the moment, we are certainly living in times where the Nation States are ushering in Martial Laws to keep the populace in line. What we see now confirms that the Powers that be have the Power to be able to do it.
The 1290 days as Spoken of By Daniel

These 30 days are the days in which all formal worship of God will be stopped, and as Daniel says a cleansing begins to takes place, a cleansing which takes place over 1150 days or 2300 evening and mornings. This does so by means of Gods people going into captivity for a "specific period" to be cleansed under the boot heel and cruelty of Antichrist.
During the time of this captivity the people will sing the songs of Lamentations for all their sins and transgressions against Jehovah and their fellow man. It will also be a time of great hunger and thirst, but not for physical food, but for the hearing of Gods word, as Jehovah will cause a hunger and thirst for him to go through out the whole inhabited land (Earth) (Joel 1:10-12)
These last 1260 days are also invariably designated as the great tribulation, or the time of the end, the time in which Satan and his Antichrist rule here here upon the earth. The day of the Lord, is what happens on Christs arrival to execute Judgment.
The Captivity: Who Goes, & How Many Will Return?
Gods people it seems, go into captivity "before" this systems collapse at the 6th seal, and do so for the 1150 days or 2300 evening and morning period. The Bible tells us that 1/2 the City of Jerusalem go into this captivity, while the other half will be destroyed, and only a cleansed 1/3 of the 1/2 going into captivity will return....according to Zechariah and Isaiah.
If the Calculations Are Correct
This means, according to calculation, that they are released some "140" days before Armageddon arrives: (1290-1150=140).
Those 1290 days being those of Antichrist, the last days before Christ arrives and cleanses this world at Armageddon.
At Trumpet 5, we read of locust type creatures being set free to torment those not having Gods Mark. They do this work for a period of "5 months" (5x30=150).
So, this means, Gods people are being set free "about 10 days after Trumpet 5 Blows".
These locust type creations are "only" tormenting those not having Gods mark, and we know that on the release of Gods people, Jehovah pours out his spirit upon his people in enabling them to carry out his purpose in the final phase of his work up until the conclusion of all things when Christ arrives with all his Angels at Trumpet 7 (Joel 3:1-2, 2:25-27). So, are these locusts Gods people? and do they begin this work in their captivity, just prior to their immediate release?
Remember, not all those going into captivity will return to Jehovah, only a small remnant will return, as Zechariah says "1/2" go into captivity, and only "1/3" of that half returns, and Isaiah confirms this being a small remnant at (Isaiah 10:20-23). And on that release and Gods people are taken back by him and compensated for all their sufferings,they can truly raise their heads erect as their deliverance will be very shortly at hand.
So, considering all of this, who can really be saved out of all of this and how? When the last two prophets of Jehovah come they will make all these things clear. And these last two prophets come before the Great Tribulation begins, it is the murder of the two witnesses that leads to Satan's expulsion and outbreak of the Great Tribulation. The time which Jesus said had never ever been seen before, nor would be seen again, but on account of the Holy Ones, those days would be cut short, because if they weren't, then no flesh could be spared.
From the release of Gods people until Christ arrives to declare his kingdom in the Heavens and also upon the earth, there will only be 5 literal months left in mankind's sordid history of rulership here upon the earth, a rulership which has seen domination of man by man to his eternal injury.
All these things we will see soon as we head on into the last 7 years of mankind's rulership on this planet.
So, wouldn't "NOW" be the time to waken up and take stock considering all that's coming upon the earth now?