The New Holocaust: Introduction
What the Germans and Nazis carried out on the Jewish populace from the period 1933-1945, as despicable as it was, it is a fore gleam into the future of what will happen again, but on a much greater scale. Whereby, there will be another Jewish Holocaust carried out as the Nations directed under Antichrist go forward in their blind rage and madness seeking out the Jewish remnant, and indeed all professed lovers and worshippers of God in order to wipe them out of existence. What is even more despicable is the fact that the Germans deny all claims that this ever happened. This period of history is not even taught as fact in school. History, at least for the Germans, has been re-written. But, this is still a an outstanding crime, a heinous crime against God, Israel and the Jews, and it is a crime which still must be atoned for, and it will be. No amount of money ever could replace the souls of those who lost their lives during this dark period of human history.
Those that committed these crimes against the people of God they will be brought back at the end to be judged prior to being slung with the rest of the shit into the lake of fire, this includes those who have denied that the Holocaust ever took place.
The so called Churches of Christendom, people that claim to worship and love God, these also preach hatred against the Jews, and can be clearly seen in their teachings such as that of "Replacement Theology", a teaching which demonizes the Jews, and a teaching that seeks to knock the Jews out of receiving any kind of salvation, when in actual fact it is through the Jews, Gods chosen people, that salvation comes.
Agendas of Nations And Christendom Against Israel
Most of the Churches of Christendom now in Israel are there for one purpose only, and not for the advancement of Israel, but for the purpose of advancing their own agendas, and those of the Nations who are in actual fact enemies of Israel. Most of these Churches all have Arab/Palestinian Patriarchs as their heads. There are many denominations, and include groups such as The Roman Catholic Church, Church of Scotland, Christ Church, and millenarian sect of the Jehovahs Witnesses as well many other groups.
The Catholic Church uses some of its organizations as "fronts" for activities in Gaza, activities which are known to Mossad as well as other Jewish Agencies. Activities which are helpful to the Nations that hate Israel, and helpful to them in attempting to bring Israel down, and from inside its own borders.
We must never forget, thatChristendom turned a blind eye in relation to the atrocities being carried out against the Jews during the period from 1933-1945. In exchange they were allowed to claim church tax, something they still benefit from even until this day. Today, they can keep their wealth by means of 501C3, but are forbidden to comment on Government Policy.These are warning examples of what is coming.
History Repeating Itself
History will repeat itself, it always does, but on ever grander scales than that of previous. We can see this happening all over again, as plans are now being orchestrated and hatched for the rise of World Tyranny. Friends, you only have to open your eyes, take a good look around, especially those of you who live in America. Wake up, take a good look around you, watch what is being carried out in your own land, where American Troops are being trained and ordered to open fire on American Citizens. Soldiers being ordered to kill and open fire upon people of their own Nation. What kind of men would do this to people belonging to their own Nation, or what kind of power behind these Armies would orchestrate and carry out atrocities such as these? Especially opening fire on peace loving people who are deemed as loyal patriots?
Religion: The Key To Power
Religion, this is one of the legs to the stool, one of the tools that is being utilized in getting this thing underway, just as it helped Hitler in the 30’s. But, as soon as this is underway, then the very institutions and organizations that helped get this thing going and into power, they too will be eradicated, and that includes all supporters as well. Religion will have served its purpose, then it will be flushed out of existence, but in one foul swoop, and in one day.
Religion, it will serve its purposes until those in power, and when they have what they want, when their goal has been achieved, then all Religion will face its end. The time which is coming soon, and it will make the Holocaust of the Jews look like a walk in the park, and once again, the Jews, those who give support to them, those who profess to love God, preachers, one and all will have one end in common, as those in power seek to stamp out all and any vestige of the Jewish remnant and worship of God. This attack will eventually culminate in an all out attack on Israel and Jerusalem. My friends, this is no fantasy, no figment of wild imagination, this is fact. We are heading into the most horrific time in all of human history, it’s no small wonder that Christ himself had said, that unless those days be cut short, then no human flesh could be spared. Friends, we are now witnessing the Fall of the Republican way of life, and there is no stopping this, no matter how hard one shouts, and evil will come in like a flood.
Governments in Control: International Police Grid Almost Complete
The Governments already have control over all of these religions, from the very biggest right down to the very smallest. Does not matter which, they are all under Government control now, and it is Government that calls the shots, and calls the shots on what will be preached. Thus, the masses will be kept in line. And, the silencing has been artfully contrived by the skillful use of fiscal powers and the granting of charity status. Because, it is by means of this charity status that the Governments are in the driving seats, they dictate “talking points”, and what will be preached. Many members do not know, they are not even aware of what is going on, they are not aware of the sell out, and will not know until the Government are virtually on top of them, and by then it will be too late. The Government have the churches and their members where they want them, the sheep are in their pens, and ready to be lead to the slaughter. It is now forbidden by Government to speak on any kind of matters related to Government or their Policies.
FEMA Camps: Places of Destruction
FEMA Camps sprawled across America are now ready to deal with those that will not go along, nor fall into line with these policies. Modern devices for the execution of such individuals already exist in most Camps as well as Military Bases and Establishments.
Time of The End Events
The time we are in now, the events we see now, these are not the markers for the time of the end, for the time of the end is of short duration only, namely, 7 years. And, this time begins with Antichrists ultimate rise to Power in the middle of the last and 70th week of prophetical years. For at the beginning of that time, a man of charismatic charm will come, he will promise the Earth, he will propose a plan for peace, and many, even some of the Holy Ones of God will follow this man in wonderment and in awe, but to their own eternal detriment. This man will be a great speaker, he will be charismatic, he will use fanciful choice words and speech, so as to fool many, even the some of the elect of God, but, as soon as he rises, then the destruction and evil will begin, and have full sway down until the very end. The events we see now, these are not the end time events. Sure, we must be vigilant as to the times we are in, but watch Israel closely, very closely, as that is the clock and Fig Tree that must be observed for when all these things will have their beginning as well as end.
Who is Antichrist?
Many ask who is Antichrist. Well, I don’t know, no one knows. Many say Bush, even Obama, yes, they may possess some of these qualities, but they are not that person, as that person will be carefully shielded and guarded from being revealed until that which is restraining his revealing has been removed, and this will not occur until the middle of that last week when:
(1) This system we are in now collapses and Antichrist rises (The Wild Beast receiving its mortal head wound as it were, then it comes back to life)
(2) Antichrist brings all forms of worship to an end worldwide some 30 days before the last Two Witnesses are executed.
(3) Antichrist then enters the third Temple in Jerusalem, sits himself down and declares himself God anddemands that he be worshipped.
It will only be after these events when we will really know. We will not even know who it is that will broker this 7 year peace covenant, but on its brokerage, when we hear of the promise of peace, and the Jews being allowed to worship again in Jerusalem, then we will know that the last 7 years has begun, but it will be in the middle of the week when we will finally know of Antichrists true identity.
Time To Waken Up
Friends, this is real, this is happening. The stage is now being set for this to happen. But, you are all free sentient beings, and you can take the power back right now by saying no to tyranny. Yes, God commands we all be in subjection to authority, but when that Authority violates what is holy and what is true, then Christians are no longer subjects to that Authority, as it is God whom they must obey more than that of the commands of men. You can take this power back, re-shape your destinies, rise up, wake up, and do what is right for you and the lives of those around you. This is about human life. This is also about your personal relationship with God and his Christ. You must wake up and act now, or sleep on and be acted upon. What is life really worth to you my friends? Of what worth is God to you? How much do you value the things God has provided for you?
I don’t have all the answers, as I am in the shit as much as you are. Soon, the last Two Witnesses of God and the Jewish Remnant will appear, and these ones will be the pathways and lights to salvation as they come with the last pronouncements of God. They will be the bearers of the good news, and of light, and they will preach the message like no other andperform the most astounding miracles ever seen on the face of this planet. This much I do know. The hearts of many will be turned back to God, even the hearts of Kings, yes great men of power on our Earth today, these will also be part of this great crowd, a crowd that will be drawn out of all the nations, tribes and tongues, as these last representatives of God come with the last messages of God, messages that will rock the earth to its very foundations.
Get Ready, Be Prepared
Friends, you have to get ready now, and be prepared, be on ones guard for what is about to come and to make the right decisions for yourselves and your families. Because a time will come when this message will no longer be sounded out. Jesus himself said we must work when it is day, for the night is coming when the work can be done no more, and the time of this Antichrist will be the darkest in all human history as Satan is expelled from heaven and comes down to the earth in great rage knowing that his time is short indeed.
What Are You Prepared To Do?
Friends, Now’s the time, the time is now. Human life is in peril, your lives. How much is life of value to you, and what are you prepared to do to preserve it?