Seventh Seal To Sixth Trumpet
Set up of
Satan’s New World Order
(Matthew 24:15-31 Luke 21:20-*24 Revelation 8:1-9:21 11:15) Second 42 Month Time Period
Satan has been expelled and hurled down to the earth。Christ now rules, but the Kingdom does not become Jehovah’s or his Christ’s until the 7th Trumpet.
Seventh Seal: Silence in Heaven for 1/2 an hour, or 21 months until 1st trumpet is blown. The Nations have been lulled into a sense of false peace and security by this skilled Politician. During this time the instruments of the destruction are being prepared in heaven ready to be poured out on the wild beast and those that’ve accepted his mark.
Seventh Seal: Silence in Heaven for 1/2 an hour, or 21 months until 1st trumpet is blown. The Nations have been lulled into a sense of false peace and security by this skilled Politician. During this time the instruments of the destruction are being prepared in heaven ready to be poured out on the wild beast and those that’ve accepted his mark.
There is a space of 1/2 hour between Seventh seal and First Trumpet = 21 Months?
The Bible says in Revelation 17 that the Kings of the Earth rule with the Beast for a symbolic 1 hour, and we know the Beasts rule is for 42 months, so, following on from that, the 1/2 silence must be for 21 months?

Second Trumpet/ Second Bowl: Fiery Mountain hurled into sea - 1/3 sea life dies.
Sea turns to blood. 1/3 of sea creatures die, 1/3 of boats destroyed.
Sea turns to blood. 1/3 of sea creatures die, 1/3 of boats destroyed.
Third Trumpet/ Third Bowl: The star Wormwood falls to the earth. 1/3 rivers are poisoned. Many people die from drinking this.
Fourth Trumpet/ Fourth Bowl: 1/3 heavens darkened by smoke and fires.
Fifth Trumpet/ Fifth Bowl: 5 months of torture by locusts. The Kingdom of the wild beast begins to darken. Trumpets 5-7 are the last 3 woes. Jehovah’s people released 110 days before Armageddon.
Sixth Trumpet/ Sixth Bowl: The 200 million man army of the wild beast gets ready to move on in on the masses to destroy them at the appointed time for its destruction. 1/3 of mankind (another 1.5+ billion people) will be eradicated/wiped out.
Summary of Events: 7th Seal to Sixth Trumpet
Satan has been expelled. He drags down one third of the Heavens with him to the earth in great rageknowing his time is short, namely,1260 days or 3.5 years, the same duration as that of his final and last king.
The 144,000 are sealed within the 7th seal. The remainder of the remnant ofHoly ones are taken into the wilderness to be away from the face of Satan for the second 3 1/2 years, "On the wings of a giant eagle."
The second 3 1/2 years start with the Abomination of Desolation: The Antichrist invades the holy place of Jehovah and sets himself up as god in the temple of God, eliminating all true worship around the world. He occupies and tramples on Jerusalem for 3 1/2 years. This thing is served by a false prophet that forces all on the earth to bow down to it. It performs signs so as to mislead many, even some of Gods holy ones too.
The Antichrist comes to power in this turbulent time as a skilled politician. He is given control of the world'seconomic and political systems by the 10 nationsin hopes that he can bring peace. He takes over and destroys Christian worship around the world. Jehovah’s people go into servitude under the boot heel of Babylon the Great and the Wild Beast for the period of 2300 evenings and mornings or 1150 days This antichrist is also Satan’s mimic kingdom of Gods real one, many will be fooled by it when he arrives believing Gods kingdom is represented through this beast, just after the demise of America and Britain.
The World alienated from God and his Christ receive this Kings mark and follow this him in wonderment and in awe. But, in receiving that Mark they receive Gods wrath and judgement unto them also.
The Mark of the Beast is instituted to represent the force of absolute allegianceto the one world government/religion. Anyone who does not carry this mark cannot buy or sell, and may well perish by means of the Sword.
The Great Harlot, embodied by the western countries in false worship,will hand power over to the Beast but will be betrayed by him in a single day of fiery destruction.
The World's armies get ready and prepare to move on in on to Babylon to destroy it. The Wild Beast will send an Army of 200 million men, ruthlessly killing half the world’s population along the way. This is the second last woe.
The Seventh Trumpet
The Wrath of God
Christ returns
144000 rise to him
Christ returns
144000 rise to him
Christs Return
(Matthew 24:29-31 1 Corin 15:51-52 1Thess 4:13-17 Revelation 11:15 Revelation16:17-21)
Seventh Trumpet/ Seventh Bowl: Poured out in the air - lightning, hail, and earthquake. Cities of the nations fall
(last trumpet). The 6 bowls of God’s wrath have come to their completion and the 7th is finally poured out, this is the last, it is Armageddon.
Summary of Events Seventh Trumpet
The 144000 rise as Christ returns and His kingdom on earth is declared, and the 144000, both those sleeping in the dust and those still alive, those of that chosen group, rise at sounding of the 7th trumpet and are taken up to their places to be Kings and Priests in an instant to be alongside Christ for the 1000 year reign.
The Sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky announcing Christ's return...Every person on earth will see Christ as He returns, and begin to beat themselves in lamentation and fall out of fear for what is about to occur.
The seventh bowl is poured out on the beast's kingdom and mankind as a judgment on those who have received his mark. This is definitely the last. The finish of Gods anger.
Christ destroys the world's armies at Armageddon. Blood will come up to the horse’s bridles for 200 miles as Christ slays millions of troops and saves Israel his people from annihilation.
The Wild Beast along with the False Prophet that serves it are destroyed.
Christ abysses Satan for the 1000 year period in which he will reign.