Pain is God's Megaphone to rouse a deaf World...C.S. Lewis
The Plagues which are about to come during Antichrists reign of Hell on Earth, these should lead and move people to repent, but we know they wont, they being the ones who are estranged from God and his ways.
What do you personally feel when you read of these seals being opened, the trumpets being blown, the plagues that are coming upon the Earth, where rivers and seas will be turned to blood? How does this affect you?
But, just as in the days before the Exodus, Hearts will be hardened just as they were during the time of Pharaoh, for after the plagues Pharaoh's heart became hardened, and we can see this in his treatment of the people of Israel, for he intensified his persecution and his hatred of them.
But, like the Israelites during time of Moses, lovers of God now, who do all God commands and indeed listens to his voice, all will go well with them (Jeremiah 7:23) they will be a people of God who are being marked for salvation, and these ones will also not experience the plagues. Though they do live during this time of chaos and of upheaval and witness these events and plagues, they will not experience them, but they will however have to deal with the persecution that follows, that much is certain.
We will all have to deal with the actions and hatred of the Man of Sin who is Antichrist, as much as the Israelites had done with pharaoh. And, incidentally, you may notice that the Plagues that are about to come over all mankind living now in the near future, they are almost similar to those that befell Egypt. Each plague came at a greater level of intensity. Revelation describes these forthcoming plagues as being ones which will involve rivers and seas turning to blood. It’s all very similar to what had happened before the Exodus, before Pharaoh finally let the people of Yahweh go.
Pharaoh truly does foreshadow the Antichrist, a world ruler who will declare himself to be God here on Earth. But, God poured out these plagues to reveal how false Pharaohs claim was, but with each plague that came over Egypt, Pharaohs heart did not turn to Yahweh.
We will see this situation again, and many will ask the rocks to fall over them so as to protect them from the wrath of God, but even then, they still do not repent of their sins and awful deeds, especially against God and the people of God.
Ultimately, these plagues which are to befall our Earth will be a worldwide witness and testimony to who God really is, and will lead to a spiritual parallel of the Exodus through the Red Sea for those who have been marked for salvation.
When the plagues were over, God poured out the last plague which brought Pharaoh to his knees, and was poured out after Israel went through the Red Sea, for it was then that the Sea turned back on Pharaoh and all his troops alongside, and as we read, the Sea covered the Army of Egypt.
The plagues were poured out upon Egypt, but not upon the Land of Goshen. Likewise, before the last outpouring of Yahweh’s anger comes, the true body of believers will also be in a land of Goshen type situation’, in that they will be marked out for protection, whilst those who are diametrically opposed to God and his Kingdom, these ones, as we read in Ezekiel, will be marked out by the Angels for their ultimate annihilation.