“Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Truly I say to YOU, he will appoint him over all his belongings”
(Matt. 24:45-47).
The WTS claims that a remnant of 144,000 is “the faithful and discreet slave” and dispenses the timely spiritual food to the membership. It also claims to have been appointed, since 1919, over all of Christ’s “belongings” namely, his earthly interests. In reality it maintains excessive control over what the members may believe and how they may act. Its major demand is for the members to display total loyalty to it.
Who really is the faithful and discreet slave organization whom Jesusappointed over his disciples, to give them their spiritual food at the proper time? Happy is that organization if Jesus on arriving in 1914 finds him doing so. Truly I say to YOU, he will appoint the WTS [in 1919] over all his earthly interests.
Pages 350-355 of God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approachedsay:
The serving of food, the right sort of food at the proper time was the issue. It had to be according to this that a decision must be rendered by the returning master [Jesus]…On inspecting [the Society] in the year 1919 C.E…Jesus did find the appointed “slave” faithful and discreet in the feeding of his [disciples].
So according to WTS teaching Jesus, having arrived in 1914, began, in 1918, to make an inspection of all religions claiming to represent him. He completed this inspection in the spring of 1919 and determined that only the WTS was dispensing the right spiritual food at the right time. He therefore appointed them as his ‘Faithful & Discreet Slave.’
So was the WTS dispensing the right sort of spiritual food up to 1919?
Yet according to Russell these were God’s dates and were all still taught in 1918/19
· 1799 was the beginning of “The Last Days”/“Time of the End.”
· 1829 was the beginning of an understanding of the mysteries of prophecy.
· 1844 was when the Wise Virgins went forth to meet the bridegroom.
· 1846 was when God’s Sanctuary was cleansed.
· 1873 was the end of 6,000 years of human existence.
· 1874 was the beginning of the 40 year harvest.
· 1874 was the beginning of the Battle of Armageddon.
· 1878 was when God’s Kingdom was set up in heaven.
· 1878 was the fall of Babylon the Great.
· 1881 was the close of the ‘Heavenly Calling.’
· 1881 was when the Resurrection of all the dead in Christ took place.
· 1914 was the final date for Anointed Christians to be taken to heaven.
· 1914 was the end of the 40 year harvest – preaching work.
· 1914 was when the Kingdom would be firmly established in the Earth.
· 1914 was whenJesus would be present as Earth’s new ruler.
· 1914 was for when the Gentile nations were to be destroyed.
· 1914 was when Jerusalem and Israel were to turn from blindness to God’s favour.
· 1914 was when “The Last Days”would end.
· 1915 as a new date for when the Kingdom would be fully established.
· 1918 for when Christendom would be destroyed and millions of members killed.
· 1920 as the beginning of world-wide all-embracing anarchy.
· 1920 for when All earthly Governments would pass away.
· 1925 as a new date for when Anointed Christians would be taken to heaven.
· 2914 as the date for the end of 1000 year reign of Christ.
The WT 9-1-79, p. 29:
Unlike the clergy class, those of the Jeremiah class [the WTS] have been sent by Jehovah to speak in his name...True, the Jeremiah class back up their message by quoting words, “This is what Jehovah has said.”
Whenever, the subject of the many WTS failed predictions arises it states that it never claimed to speak in Jehovah’s name.
The Bible itself establishes the rules for testing a prophecy at Deut 18:20-22, and 13:1-3. (2) it must come to pass. WT. March 1, 1965, p. 151.
The above failed predictions are all documented in older WTS publications, but please note the references below in the book Proclaimers of God’s kingdom for other rejected teachings:
· 1874 was claimed as the date for Christ’s 2nd Coming. This was taught for 67 years from 1876 to 1943 (Proclaimers book pp. 46-47 and 133).
· “Millions Now Living will never Die”because the 1000 year reign was to begin in 1925. This message began to be broadcast in 1918. Clearly the people living in 1918 have mostly all died. The Proclaimers book p. 425 admits that Rutherford was mistaken. It was a false message.
· Rather than the remnant of anointed Christians, it was Russell who was viewed as the F&D Slave for 30 years from 1897 to 1927—8 years after Jesus’ inspection in 1918/19. The WTS now teaches that Russell never was the F&D slave but that the remnant always was. (Proclaimers book pages 142 and 143). So what was taught was false for 30 years. If Jesus had tried to appoint them then they obviously rejected that appointment for 8 years. Yet in contradiction of these facts page 16 of the Jan 15, 1994 Watchtower states that “In 1919 that slave was identified as the remnant of anointed Christians.”
· Celebration of Christmas was still practiced by the WTS up to 7 years afterJesus’ inspection. (Proclaimers book p. 200).
· Celebration of Birthdays was still practiced several years after the 1919 inspection. (Proclaimers book, p. 201)
· The Cross appeared on the front cover of every issue of the WT magazine until 1931—12 years after the inspection. (Proclaimers book, p. 200)
· The Great Pyramid of Gizeh was still believed to be God’s stone witness 9 years after Jesus’ inspection was finished. This was used to corroborate the date of 1874 by using each inch as equal to one year. (Proclaimers book, p. 201)
· To the early WTS (prior to 1914) the end of the Gentile Times meant the actual destruction of all nations in 1914 (p. 99 of ‘The Time Is At Hand’ published 1889). But nowadays it has the meaning of “the end of their uninterrupted rule.”(1970 yearbook, p72) In other words the rule of the nations has been interrupted by the invisible rulership of Jesus, and yet there has been no destruction of any nations.
· The 1600 furlongs of Revelation 14:20 as supposedly the distance between the place where ‘The Finished Mystery” was written (Scranton, Pennsylvania) and the place where it was printed (Brooklyn, NY). This was supposedly a fulfilment of Revelation 14:20. (p. 230 of ‘The Finished Mystery’ published in 1917).
For all of these 33 teachings the questions must be asked:
- Was it the right teaching?
- Was it the right time to be teaching it?
- Was it a teaching that was revealed in God’s word?
Evidently the answer to each question is ‘no’ even according to the modern day WTS. These 33 teachings that are now fully rejected by the WTS today are only a small number of the morsels that were wrongly offered as spiritual food from 1876 to 1919. The WTS now rejects entire chapters and complete books and magazines that were published by the WTS during those years. These wrong teachings went out to hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of people worldwide. Yet these years included the years of Jesus’ inspection to ascertain which religious body was teaching the truth.
Would Jesus have possibly chosen the WTS to be God’s organization in view of their dispensing of all this wrong spiritual food up to 1919?
The one mistake that most JWs have made is to have failed to examine the WTS history, especially up to 1919, to see if it matches its claim to have been chosen in that year to be Jesus’ “Faithful and discreet slave.”
“But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established” (Prov. 4:18).
Although this verse is not really talking about the gaining of understanding of the Scriptures it is true that those who personally continually study the Scriptures grow in understanding of them. However, early misunderstandings are usually held for only a short time. It is also evident that some aspects of the Scriptures are either ambiguous or lack sufficient data to form concrete conclusions about them at this time.
The Proclaimers book p. 708 says:
If a person has been in a dark room for a long period of time, is it not best if he is exposed to light gradually? Jehovah has exposed his people to the light of truth in a similar manner; he has enlightened them progressively.
However, is this the way it works when the WTS applies it to their teachings that have been changed? It seems to be more like a light on/light off situation rather than an increasing of light.
Example 1: Who are represented by the “Superior Authorities” in Romans 13:1
1876-1929 “Superior Authorities” = Secular Rulers Light ON
1929-1962 “ “ = Jehovah and Jesus Light OFF
1962 to date “ “ = Secular Rulers Light ON
The history of this teaching makes it evident that the choice made when the light was off was made for reasons of expediency and not because anything in the Scriptures would lead one to give that interpretation.
Example 2: The ever-changing teaching concerning whether or not the men of Sodom will be resurrected has been like a light switching on and off some 8 or more times. Almost all other changes in teaching have operated as an on/off switch rather than any gradual intensifying of light. So the theory of progressive light based on Proverbs 4:18 is not, in fact, how the WTS changes happened in reality.
Truth is paramount for the theory of Progressive Light to work. The progression would be a steady building on a basic truth, but not a running ahead by adding details that turn out to be false. Note that Paul says:
“…at present we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror, but then it will be face to face. At present I know partially, but then I shall know accurately [“fully”as in other translations]” (1 Cor.13:12).
The rendering “accurately” is contextually incorrect because it does not make the point that Paul was actually making, that is, the opposite of “partially.” However, the rendering “fully” is the opposite of “partially.” So the partial knowledge, which is always truth, is being built upon with added true details until arriving at a full or complete picture. Never would there be falsity if it comes from God. However, the ON/OFF light and the many pronouncements which have turned out to be false are excused by the WTS by saying that they got it wrong because they are only imperfect men. If that is the case, then there should never be the claim to be dispensing God’s spiritual food, because such food from God is always truthful even if restricted. Hence no claim should be made of being God’s organization. For such a claim to be made one would have to claim infallibility of teaching and with no excuses ever made for wrong teaching. The fact that the apostles were imperfect men does not validate the excuse because everything the apostles wrote was absolute unchangeable truth.
It would seem that, in reality, Proverbs 4:18 should not be applied in the way that the WTS applies it in an attempt to prove a progressive revealing of truth. Verse 18 gives the simple contrasting statement of: “the way of the wicked is like deep darkness” (verse 19 ESV). So Old light is simply darkness—it is not light at all. Evidently both Russell and Rutherford were in such “deep darkness” regarding many teachings for all of their lives. This is what is now acknowledged by the WTS regarding those teachings. The WTS application of Proverbs 4:18
and Matthew 24:45 operate in contradictory ways. If one processes the above wrong and discredited teachings through the Progressive light theory then Russell and Rutherford are forgiven for getting it all wrong—they were just imperfect men—provided they did not claim to be God’s channel of truth. If, on the other hand, one processes these wrong teachings through Matthew 24:45 then there is no excuse for them – they were giving false teachings as spiritual food in 1914-1919 and therefore could not have been chosen in 1919 to be God’s organization. As the WT 2-1881, p. 188 said:
If we were following a man...undoubtedly one human idea would contradict another and that which was light one or two or six years ago would be regarded as darkness now. But with God there is no variableness, neither shadow or turning, and so it is with truth...a new view of truth can never contradict a former truth. “New light” never extinguishes older “light,” but adds to it.
The WT 3-15-1986, p. 14:
If we keep listening to subtle arguments and specious reasoning, ‘twisted things’ can sound as though they were straight.
However, Christians who are really seeking the truth:
· “won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth”(Eph. 4:14 NLT).
The November 15, 1980 Watchtower states of Jehovah’s Witnesses that they:
sold themselves because of wrong practices and came into bondage to the world empire of false religion. An outstanding instance of this occurred during World War 1 of 1914-1918.
The August 15, 1991 Watchtower stated: “In the year 1919…[the Society] came out of Satan’s organization.”
So Before 1919 they were in Satan’s organization at a time when Jesus’ inspection was going on. In 1919 the WTS had not corrected any of the false teachings or practices of the 1914/1918 period. This further shows that Jesus would not have selected themon the basis of what they were teaching at the time.
All of these teachings were being taught by many other religious groups in 1918/19 at the time of Jesus’ inspection. It is just as likely that those churches could have been selected as
“the F&D slave” but they have never made the claim to be God’s only organization. It was, in fact, from these other groups that Russell acquired these biblically correct teachings
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The Watchtower Self Appointed Faithful and Discreet Slave |
The idea that the mid 1800s was the time for God to use certain people to bring Christianity out of the 1800 year darkness and to spiritually feed the domesticscontradicts the teaching that the Faithful and Discreet slave has had acontinuous uninterrupted existence since 33 C.E and has been shining an ever increasing light on the truths of the Scriptures with a continuous food supply. (See NOTE 1).During the early 1900s C.T. Russell was viewed as the Faithful and Discreet slave (WT 1st Dec. 1916 p356). Later it was claimed that 1919 was the time when Christ “the master” having returned in 1914 (after 2520 years since 607 B.C) chose one particular group as the Faithful and Discreet slave. However, because the 607 B.C starting date has been thoroughly discredited in both the scientific and biblical worlds (see STUDY 5. WHAT 607/1914 REALLY MEAN) and with the correct date for the destruction of Jerusalem being 586 B.C.E, one would arrive at 1935 as the end of 2,520 years. This means that Christ had not returned in 1914 and therefore he, as “the master” did not appoint anyone. So those who claim such an appointment are merely self-appointed.
NOTE 1. There is no tracing in history of a Faithful and Discreet slave that has had a continuous uninterrupted existence since 33 C.E. There is no history of any groups that have had most of the WTS beliefs. If there had been a Faithful and Discreet slave that has had a continuous uninterrupted existence since 33 C.E. then C.T. Russell would have received his knowledge of truth from this “slave”and would not have been the one who “revived these great truths taught by Jesus and the apostles”. See “Divine Purpose” book p. 17. However, even Russell would not recognize many of the current WTS beliefs as being those that he held during his lifetime.
NOTE 2. STUDY 5 ‘WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE 607/1914?’ gives an explanation of why turning 1,260 days into years and then multiplying by 2 to get 2,520 years is stepping beyond what the biblical data allows for and is, therefore, inappropriate and misleading.
· Why didn’t either of the first two presidents ever know that Jesus was to have returned in 1914 and not the wrong date of 1874 which they proclaimed?
· Why in 1919 did the Society deny being the F&D slave and not accept the appointment then?
· Why, during the time of Jesus’ inspection, did Rutherford declare the lie that “Millions now living will never die?” There are no longer any millions of JWs from that time who are still alive!
· Why does page 60 of the Proclaimers book presents Russell’s 25-year prophecy as being the beginning of the war in Europe in 1914 when, in fact, his actual prophecy was a foretelling of the ‘End of all kingdoms in 1914’. Page 13 of WT August 15, 1989 shows that The World Magazine of August 30, 1914 actually said that it was a prophecy about the “End of all kingdoms in 1914.”
The prophecy was first given on p. 99 of the 1889 book The Time Is At Handwhich said:
“Within the coming twenty-six years all present governments will be overthrown and dissolved…we consider it an established truth that the final END OF [ALL]
KINGDOMS of this world…will be accomplished by the end of A.D. 1914” – 1889 Edition. (This is also quoted in the WT of March 15, 1955)
This was repeated in the July 1894 Watch Tower which said: “Bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but the end of the time of trouble.”
Also note the further misrepresentation of Russell’s prophecy on p. 560 of the Proclaimers book. However, Russell’s actual prophecy turned out to be false because no kingdoms came to an end in 1914 or even soon after.
· Why did the WTS, in 1919, still dispense ‘food’ that was poisonous – namely the celebration of Christmas and birthdays, the cross and the Great Pyramid of Gizeh? As we have noted above regarding Proverbs 4:18, 19 these were the teachings of darkness. (Proclaimers book p. 200).
“Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Truly I will say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings. But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, the master of that slave ... will punish him with the greatest severity ... weeping/ gnashing” (Matt. 24:45-51).
The parallel account in Luke12:42-48 shows 4 types of slaves:
1) The faithful steward.
2) The slave that should say in his heart “My master is delaying” was assigned a part with the unfaithful ones.
3) The slave that understood the will of the master but did not get ready was beaten with many strokes.
4) The one that did not understand was beaten with few strokes.
Jesus’ parables were not given to describe classes (as organized bodies) of people but individual responses to the master and the kingdom. Otherwise an evil slave organization, a many strokes organization, and a few strokes organization would all have to be identified. No such single organizations exist. There would need to be consistent class application for all the parables, requiring the identification of, for example, a ten minas organization and a five minas organization either within or separate from the Faithful and Discreet organization. Rather, each individual Christian should strive to be a faithful slave and to spiritually feed his fellow slaves as shown in the following completion of the parable:
“…everyone to whom much was given, much will be demanded of him [the individual]; and the one whom people put in charge of much, they will demand more than the usual from him” (Luke 12:48)'
The Society, The Organization, Jehovah’s visible organization, God’s theocratic organization, Jehovah’s earthly organization, God’s channel of communication, God’s spirit-directed organization, The faithful and discreet slave organization.
Evidently the followers of the WTS use the term ‘faithful and discreet slave’ as the equivalent of a title. Yet such a practice is in contradiction of Jesus’ words:
“But YOU, do not YOU be called Rabbi, for one is YOUR teacher, whereas all YOUare brothers”(Matt. 23:8).
The illusion for JWs is that they think they are being loyal to God by being loyal tohis organization. The reality is that prior to 1976 they were being loyal to a man, the President of the WTS, and after 1976 they were being loyal to the men of the Governing Body. During neither of these periods were they being loyal to God or Christ Jesus because there is no proof that the WTS was selected by Jesus in 1919 as his representatives.
The claim that the organization is perfect is used to make the membership believe that the organization is God’s and so must, of necessity, be perfect and therefore must be obeyed. The contradictory claim that the men running the organization are imperfect is used by the WTS Society to excuse its many mistakes, changes and false prophecies.
- These claims make no logical sense, in spite of the very contradictory reasoning presented by the WTS. If the component parts of an entity are imperfect then logically the entity is imperfect.
- Since the WTS claims not to be inspired by God, how can God “channel” information through it as he did through the men He inspired to write the Scriptures?
- Since God inspired imperfect men to write the Bible, why does an organization need to be seen as perfect to be used by God to interpret the Scriptures?
The WTS has occasionally stated that, unlike the Bible writers, the ‘Faithful and discrete slave is not inspired of God. However, they also make the claim that whatever material appears in the WT study articles is from Jehovah. This is a contradictory position because any thoughts from Jehovah must come through men who are inspired by him.
· How does a person know that he is of “the anointed class” with a heavenly hope? Anointing with God’s spirit happens the moment any Christian sincerely gets baptized. All true Christians must have God’s spirit.(Please see STUDIES10and12).
· How exactly does God put into the minds of the Governing Body the right slant on the Scriptures so that it becomes spiritual food?
· If God planned that the light for correct understanding of the Scriptures was only switched on in the 1880s why did God make the Bible available to people for all the centuries before?
The WT 1 January 1981 introduced the illustration of a sailing boat which often changes course to accommodate the wind direction yet still reaches its destination as a way to account for the often changing teachings of the WTS. However, this illustration of tacking contradicts the Apostle Paul’s metaphor for a Christian’s course as being with certainty. He says:
· “Therefore, the way I am running is not uncertainly (“not on a zigzag course” Anchor Bible)...” (1 Cor. 9:26).
The second volume of Insight on the Scriptures states:
Being “the spirit of truth,” God’s holy spirit could never be the source of error but would protect Christ’s followers from doctrinal falsehoods, p. 1132.
On that basis the many errors of the WTS over the past 130 years indicate that they do not have protection from doctrinal falsehood.
JWs understand that the demand for such unquestioning submission is proof that certain organizations must be cults. Yet, they do not make this connection regarding the WTS leadership as indicating that they too are a cult (Please see Appendix 1). The fact is that sometime after one has become a JW one has actually relinquished one’s free-will although not realizing it.
It is often stated that the rebellion of Korah, Dathan and Abiram against Moses (Num. 16) pictures rebellion of Christians against the Faithful and Discrete slave class. However, this is a mistaken interpretation and it is also a usurpation of Jesus’ position because Moses does not picture the Faithful and Discrete slave class. The greater Moses is Jesus (Deut. 18:15, 18).
· “And a voice came out of the cloud saying: ‘This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him’”(Luke 9:35).
Because “the faith was once for all delivered to the holy ones.” and is contained within the writings of those “holy ones,” one can “listen to him” by obeying all that Jesus personally said to his disciples and further said through “the apostles and prophets” in the Greek Scriptures. Paul stated in 2 Corinthians 5:20b NWT: “Assubstitutes for Christ we beg: ‘Become reconciled to God’” or more accurately“We ask on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (UBS Interlinear). However, this was not an appeal to existing Christians but an appeal to the world to be“reconciled to God” (verse 19). True Christians already were reconciled to God. So no one today is acting “as substitutes for Christ.” in the sense of controlling other Christians, but only“on behalf ofChrist” asking the world to “be reconciled to God.” Furthermore, Jesus said “I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things (age)” (Matt. 28:20). So to benefit from Jesus’ presence we have to:
· “…remember the sayings previously spoken by the holy prophets and thecommandment of the Lord and Saviour through your apostles.” (2 Pet. 3:2).
Christians simply do not need any organization to “plead for them” because Jesus:
· “is able also to save completely those who are approaching God through him, because he is always alive to plead for them”(Heb. 7:25).
· “the anointing that you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone else to be teaching you; but, as the anointing from him is teaching you about all things”
(1 John 2:27).
Early Christians didn’t view accepting Jesus as equivalent to joining a religion. They were followers of a person—Jesus. So they gathered with other believers, not to identify themselves as members of a particular group, but because they felt drawn by family relationship to fellow believers. Certainly Christians can help, warn of danger, explain truth to and encourage one another; but they have no controlling rights over other Christians.
“That which corresponds to this [the ark] is now saving you, namelybaptism...through the resurrection of Jesus Christ”(1 Peter 3:21).
For Christians there is just “one baptism,” (Eph. 4:4) and they are to be “baptized into Christ Jesus.”(Rom. 6:3).
The ark only enabled Noah and family to ride out God’s judgment and so it was a temporary provision. If Noah’s wife = 144,000, and the sons and daughters = the great crowd, then they were all in the ark at the same time and arrived at the same place; thereby showing that there cannot be 2 destinies.
· “I [Jesus] am the door; whoever enters through me will be saved” (John 10:9)
and so he is:
· “...the chief agent of their salvation” (Heb. 2:10).
· “There is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven which has been given among men by which we must get saved”(Acts 4:12).
Salvation cannot, therefore, come through any organization.
· “The gift God gives is everlasting life through Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:23).
· “He that exercisesfaith in the Sonhas everlasting life” (John 3:36).
· “And yet you do not want to come to methat you may have life” (John 5:40).
The WTS teaches that the Bible is an organizational book and cannot be understood by individuals without the teachings of the organization. On this WTS basis we would not expect that Russell or Rutherford could possibly understand the Bible. Yet William Tyndale would have strongly disagreed with the WTS view. He died to get the Bible translated into the language that a ploughboy could understand. Also Paul’s made it clear that people repent individually:
“…you are inexcusable, O man [an individual] whoever you are...because you do not know that the kindly [quality] of God is trying to lead you to repentance?”
(Rom. 2:1, 6).
So the Scriptures are written to individuals for them to understand so that they might repent. There are many other Scriptures that show that individuals are meant to be able to understand the Scriptures. However, it is recognized that scholarly input as to understanding, language and the background of the early centuries is most valuable.
A comparison of the WTS claims with its actual history reveals the following:
· The WTS was not appointed as God’s organization in 1919 (or at any other time) because it provided unacceptable spiritual food to the domestics through the period of the WTS’ stated inspection by Jesus and his decision in 1919.
· The Governing Body has provided to its membership a distorted version of its history relating to the time of Jesus’ inspection. But the true history can be pieced together by careful examination of WTS’ own publications, in particular theProclaimers book.
· The Governing Body’s repeated warnings to its membership about former members (name-calling them ‘apostates’) stops JWs from discovering the truth about this history, which is a history revealing that there was no appointment of the WTS by Jesus in 1919.
· These warnings turn out to be simply propaganda to protect the WTS from being revealed as something that misleads. This propaganda misleads the membership into trusting those inside who are not telling them the truth and to mistrust those from outside who are trying to tell them the truth.
· Matthew 24:45-47 and Proverbs 4:18 (as wrongly interpreted by the WTS) operate in contradictory ways. And therefore can be used independently to maintain the illusion that Jesus chose the WTS, while at the same time justifying the false teachings of earlier times.
· The result of this WTS false claim is that large numbers of JWs, rather than having a relationship with God, have a relationship with the organization.
The following WTS view concerning the Bereans (Acts 17:11) destroys the very point that was made about them; that is, that they did check the Scriptures “as to whether these things were so.”
…but nowhere do we read that those brothers first, in a sceptical frame of mind, checked the Scriptures to make certain that those letters had scriptural backing. February 15, 1981, pages 18-19.
The WTS in taking the following view toward others does not allow its members to take this view with the WTS itself when it get things wrong:
It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false and true is a public leaves the public free to chose. (November 15, 1963, p.688)
The WTS admits that all is not well in paradise:
…some who have been prominent in Jehovah’s organisation have succumbed to immoral practices, including homosexuality, wife swapping, and child molesting. (Jan 1, 1986, p.13)
However, the later history shows that these prominent ones, rather than being disfellowshiped, were simply moved out of Bethel homes and given important work in other localities.
Elijah Returns