Thursday, 7 October 2010

The End Times Elijah: The Way That is To Be Made Straight

So says Jehovah of Hosts: In those days ten men out of all languages of the nations shall take hold, and will seize the skirt of a man, a Jew, saying, Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you Zechariah 8:23
When Yeshua said that John was Elijah, he did not mean there was some kind of reincarnation, but simply, that John fulfilled a similar prophetic role and function just as Elijah had done, that he operated under asimilar anointing and spirit.
When Christ said that Elijah had come already, he was in fact referring to John, but added that Elijah indeed would come again in a future ministry to restore all things. John did not restore all things, and neither did the end come that the Messiah would ultimately bring with him and execute.
So, when Yeshua said Elijah must come, he does not mean that Elijah will come personally, for Elijah has already come and fulfilled his mission, but Christ meant that a ministry similar to Elijah’s will come, and at a time just before Christ come for the final time, this Elijah ''of the future'', he must come first.
Most see this person as some kind of contemporary prophet, and others as a widespread movement, I lean towards the latter.
Whatever, this coming prophet of the near future will be involved in the “restoration” of true worship, and it's a restoration of that worship which challenges society to conform and change before Christ’s final arrival.
The whole purpose of the Messianic Kingdom is to restore the Earth back to the way it was prior to mans fall, and to restore the Earth back to the conditions of Eden, and mans relationship to God, so that in the end, Yahweh will once more become all things to all those who really love him. When God really will reach out and open his hand and satisfy the desires of all living things, for God himself craves for the very creation of his hands, he craves for each and everyone of you. Not one of those who are marked will go missing, for the very hairs of their heads are all numbered.
The End Times body of believers will be the ones who will aid in the restoration of true worship, and values of that worship, the worship that Yahweh is seeking prior to Christ’s final arrival. Hopefully, on that arrival, he will find the slaves he had called to do this duty doing so, and happy will they be if Christ also finds them doing so. The preaching of the kingdom by this Elijah that is coming, it will be one that will be accompanied by the most astounding miracles ever seen
These loyal ones, these are the ones that will be preparing the way for that very return, for the return of the greatest King that ever lived: Jesus Christ
Elijah Returns