Dan 11:36 "And the king shall do according to his will"
We are now about to head on into the most horrific time in all human history, a time which has never been seen before on the face of this planet. By the that time has come to its completion, at least 3/4 of Humankind will have been eradicated by the hand of this last and "Coming Prince".
He will indeed do as he very well pleases, making changes to times, seasons and laws. He will also introduce a religion that has never been seen before. Just before his rise to power what we know as religion today will be wiped out as this Prince sets himself up as a "god", as someone and something to be worshiped.
Doing whatsoever he Pleases
This term can be attributed to one person only.
This "one" being the last and final 8th King that springs from the previous 7: The Prince that is coming: The Antichrist.
He will regard neither the laws of God nor man, but dispensing with both at his pleasure; coining new doctrines; appointing new ordinances; setting himself up above councils and princes; taking upon him a power to depose kings and set them up as he pleases; with many other things done by him in an arbitrary and despotic way, both civil and religious; and with none does the character agree as with him, as well as what follows.
And he will magnify himself above every god, that is so called, whether angels whom he commands, or the kings of the earth he claims an authority over, those gods in heaven, and gods on earth; which is the exact description of Antichrist, as given by the apostle, who has manifestly a reference to this passage (2Th 2:4)
And he shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods; the true God, to whom angels and civil magistrates are subject, being his creatures, and acting under him; but such is the arrogance of the man of sin, that he takes upon him to speak against God, and such things as are astonishing; and it may be extremely wondered at that he should dare to speak them, as to call himself God on earth; to take such things to himself, which only belong to God, as by claiming all power in heaven, earth, and hell; power to bind the consciences of men, and impose what he pleases on them; to make new articles of faith; to pardon the sins of men; to open and shut the gates of heaven when he pleases; with other blasphemies against God, his mouth, given him to speak, utters (Rev 13:5).
And he shall indeed prosper until the indignation be accomplished; the wrath of God upon the Jewish nation for their rejection of the Messiah; until the time of their conversion is come; and then antichrist shall be destroyed, to make way for it; till that time he shall prosper and flourish, more or less, until the 1260 days or years are ended, the date of his reign, (Rev 11:2).
For that that is determined shall be done; all the decrees and purposes of God shall be accomplished; all respecting the state and condition of the people of God under antichrist, particularly the people of the Jews, and concerning the reign and ruin of Antichrist.