Because Israel’s destiny is bound to the destiny of the whole world, Israel’s fulfilling her National destiny isconnected to world redemption. However, the true body of Christ fulfilling its destiny, both as Jew and Gentile, is also connected to World redemption, and is key to Israel fulfilling her destiny. Paul in Romans 9, is faced with a very difficult question.
How is it that Jesus could be the Messiah and Israel reject him? How could that be just?
Yahweh is the One who ultimately chooses Nations and Kingdoms to play various roles of significance, or insignificance throughout time and history. He even said, “Jacob I have chosen, and Esau I have hated”. This does not refer to individuals, but to the Nations of Edom and Israel. Edom was the symbol of an evil Nation in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Paul, slaps the arrogant questioner, but then goes on and gives a lesson in Pottery to show that it is not just brute choice on Gods part:
Or has not the potter authority over the clay, out of the same lump to make one vessel to honour, and another to dishonour? And if God, minded to shew his wrath and to make his power known, endured with much long-suffering vessels of wrath fitted for destruction; and that he might make known the riches of his glory upon vessels of mercy, which he had before prepared for glory Romans 9:21-23
In the Middle East, when a Potter made a vessel, and if that vessel cracked, he would then repair it. He would put wet clay on it, re heat it, and then re fire it. If the patch held, it was called a vessel of mercy. The Potter would seek to repair this several times, but if it would not hold the patch, it would become a vessel of wrath. He would finally break it and he would use the "pieces" for something else that suited his purpose.
Paul is saying two things here. First, its up to the Potter to decide whether a Nation is used for glory or for common purposes. God has his reasons for doing so, its not arbitrary. Then he goes on to say that God bore long suffering vessels fit for wrath. Bearing with long suffering means that God sought to repair and put new clay on Israel several times. He sought to refine them and make them vessels of mercy. However, they became vessels of wrath.
This is contrary to the belief of predestination, that certain people go to hell, while others gain salvation. In chapter 10, he explains what happened to Israel and whythey were not able, at that time, to be a Nation of God’s desire. They did not hold the patch that God sought to apply to them.
But, Israel would ultimately hold that patch of mercy when the time came for them to do so, and this time is rapidly approaching when all things will be fulfilled for God's people Israel, for as Paul and Christ themselves declared, that salvation comes from the Jews, and that the promises and Word of God is irrevocable. What Yahweh has declared will be done, and what has went forth from his mouth will not return to him without a result.