The Bible says that between Seal 7 to Trumpet 1, that there will be a period of 1/2 hour where there is silence in Heaven. Then 7th seal is opened which introduces the plagues brought on by the sounding of the 7 Trumpets.
This time being in the last 1260 days of mankind's history, the time of the end, the time of the last King Antichrist, a time which continues down onto the conclusion of all things at the sounding of the 7th and final Trumpet when Christ arrives in Glory with his Angels alongside.
This 1/2 hour may be = 21 months in duration? You may wonder how I came to this conclusion?
The Bible says in the book of Revelation that the Kings of the Earth rule with the Beast (The King that is still to come) for 1 literal hour, In Revelation 13, we read that this 1 Hour of reign is for 42 Months (Revelation 13:5, 17:12, Daniel 12:11a).
So, following on from the information that the Bible provides, I assumed (rightly, or wrongly), that this 1/2 Hour Period comes to 21 Months.......that period being the period between Seal 7 and Trumpet 1. And, the opening of Seal 7 introduces a series of destructive plagues that are introduced by the blowing of the 7 Trumpets. Maybe this event will coincide with a major event here on the Earth, an event linked to this last King Antichrist? This may be an event that may be of such magnitude that warrants God sending these plagues upon him and upon his Land, just as he had done during the time of Pharaoh? Maybe, this time he enters the Temple and declares himself to be God?
Could it be his introduction of his new religion? The declaration of a "false peace and security" as spoken of in Thessalonians? Who knows, but we can rest assured it will all be revealed in due course.
This is just an assumption. I am not saying it will happen. It may and may not be true.
But like the 2300 evenings and mornings, the 1335 days, they are events which are still future, and not events which happened from 1914 onwards as the Watchtower would have the World believe