Wednesday, 6 October 2010

The Seventy Weeks of Years

Daniel 9:24-27
The Seventy Weeks of Years which have been determined "Upon Gods People"
More accurately, these weeks are "Sevens" of Years. Seventy weeks of Seven Years each.
Within these "Weeks" the "National" chastisement must be ended and theNation of Israel re-established, but in everlasting righteousness (Verse 24).
The Seventy Weeks of Years are divided into groups of Seven: (Verses 24-27)
Seven=49 Years
Sixty Two= 434 Years
One Year=7 Years
Verse 25
In the first 7 Weeks (49 Years) of the 70 weeks of Years Jerusalem was rebuilt. This was fufilled as Ezra and his contemporary Nehemiah have recorded.
Verse 26
The 62 Weeks (434 Years), after these the Messiah had come. These were fufilled in the Birth and manifestation of the Christ.
The date of Christs death, was on Passover of Nisan 14, 3.5 Years after his assignment had been completed. This can be detemined as it is said to have occurred after the 62 weeks.This is the first event in Verse 26.
The second event of verse 26: This is the destruction of the City which was fufilLed in 70 AD by means of Titus and Vespasian.
Verse 27
Then, Daniel goes on to say...."until the end", a period still not fixed, that destruction and war would persist. It was only revelaed to Daniel thatwars and desolation would continue, but these still have a more future application and they fall into the last 7 year time frame period which is the period ofMatthew 24:4-30
The New Testament reveals that this revelation was withheld from those of the Old Testament Prophets, but during this same period the Kingdom of the Heavens and its mysteries should see a kind of fufillment.
When this current "AGE" we now find ourselves in ends, and the Seventieth and last week begins,this is nowhere to be revealed. But, Christ said, the day, time and the hour are not known, and therefore we must remain awake and "be vigilant to the signs".
But, the duration of the last week,cannot be longer than 7 years, to make it more violates the principles of interpretation already confirmed by fufillment. Verse 27 is the verse which deals with this last week of years which is still to be realised.
Jehovah's Witnesses say this period lasts from 1914 onwards for an indefinate period of time, but this, as mentioned above, this would then violate and twist scripture.
The "He" of verse 27 is the "Prince that shall come", "The Man of Sin". "He" being the same as the "Little Horn" of Daniel Chapter 7.
"He" , the Antichrist, "Hewill make a covenant with the many for 7 years.
The Jews will be allowed to re-establish worship. This Peace Covenant and time ismarked by rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. The Temple will be rebuilt, and very quickly too, but in the "straits" of the times, or "Troublesome Times". And it will be trouble.For as soon as this call of peace and security goes forth, death and destruction follow very quickly, and right down until the very end.
At this time the good news of Gods Kingdom is preached by the Last Two Witnesses In Jerusalem, and by the Jewish remnant of the 144000 who are seen with the great crowd that is to come out of all the Nations.
But, in the middle of the last week of years, "The Man of Sin" will cause all worship and sacrafices to cease on his rise to ultimate power. He will then sit himself down in the Temple of God and declare himself to be"God", even claiming to do what only God the Almighty can do, and he will demand exclusive devotion and worship (Daniel 12:11a 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
Verse 27, this deals with the last 3.5 Years of Mankinds History before Christs return at the 7th and Final Trumpet. These Last 3.5 years are also known as the "Great Tribulation", or "Times of Trouble/Revenge", "Times of Temptation", when Antichrist will rule Supremely.
By end of Antichrist's reign, 3/4 of the Worlds population will have been wiped out by him. This is the reality, this is what is in store, and as Christ had said, It will be a time which has never been seen before, would never be seen again, but due to the holy ones, those days will be cut short, because if they were not, then no flesh would be spared.

Elijah Returns