Rosh Hashanah
The Fall Feasts begin with Rosh Hashanah . Rosh Hashananh is not the correct name; the feast is really called Yom Teru’ah or Yom Hashofar. The First name means ‘’ The Feast of the Blowing ’’. But, the Feast is commonly known as Rosh Hashanah , because the Rabbis had calculated that the creation of the World had taken place at that time.
This feast is prophetic, and prophetic of the Judgments of God, and these forthcoming Judgments are determined between Yom Hashofarand Yom Kippur , which is a difference of about 8 days.
If the wrath of God, that being his final Judgment, is poured out when the 7thShofar sounds (Revelation 11:15 ), then this is very interesting indeed. When one thinks of theShofar blowing, one thinks of Armies being gathered together for war, but though the Nations gather against Israel and Jerusalem, it will be the Armies of God that are gathering for this great fight when that 7thShofar blows. When this 7th and final Shofar sounds, the Holy Ones will also be gathered together from the four winds to the Messiah, and there they shall then be with him and rule and reign alongside himduring the 1000 year Millennial Reign.
So, if the ‘’literal’’ wrath of God will occur during this 8 day period the whole thing would fit very well, but we can’t be certain, and we can’t be certain because we don’t know if these 8 days are “literal’’ or ‘’symbolic’’, but what we can be certain of, is that when Israel calls out ‘’blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’’, then this Judgment will almost certainly take place immediately, as this will be the completion of the covenant.
These small articles on the feasts illustrate how they are prophetic of things which are yet to come, but events which are very near to be sure.
The Feasts of Israel are windows into the future.