Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Babylon The Great: The Call To Get Out Comes Soon

The evidence of Scripture and the support of history indicate that Ancient Babylon has continued her whorish tradition through Roman Catholicism, inundating and polluting America, but still awaiting a final vehicle to forcibly include all people and all religious traditions in the ultimate worship of the Antichrist. And this comes during the time of Antichrist when his false Prophet will cause all (on pain of death) to fall down and worship the Beast and his image, as the Antichrist brings his New World Religion with his New World Order.
Babylon is the Worldwide Empire of False Religious worship. Worship which includes everything from mainstream Churches such as The Roman Catholic Church, right down to sects and cults such as those of Jehovah’s Witnesses. All forms of religion and religious worship are going to stop, they are going be destroyed soon, and will do so as part of carefully preconceived plans for the introduction of a New World Government and New World Religion.
Mainstream religions, they have many things in common, and one of the main common denominators is that of false teaching. This is Universal, doesn't matter what Religion one belongs too, they are all tainted.
False teachings which include the Trinity doctrine, which is an age old doctrine that has its roots in Ancient Mystical Babylon itself. Other teachings include Hell Fire,Mariolatry, and Replacement Theology. More recent teachings include that of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, a doctrine which had its beginnings in the late 1870’s. All of these teachings are not in harmony with God’s word the Bible, and are teachings which have, and still do in many cases, cause division, harm, disharmony, and evenbloodshed. Babylon really has become drunk with the blood of many people, including the Holy Ones of God themselves, and this is why God has set aside a day in which he will reckon with it. And that day is coming sooner than most would like to give credence to.
Who Destroys Babylon?

And the ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will be turned against the evil woman, and will make her waste and uncovered, and will take her flesh for food, and will have her burned with fire Revelation 17:16
As we see, Babylon will be completely destroyed, and according to Revelation 18:4, it will be done “on one day”. Her fleshy parts will being eaten up and devoured, this may allude to the Kings of the Earth causing Babylons destruction by robbing and stripping Babylon of its wealth?
Why Will Babylon Be Destroyed?
And the Kings of the Earth have but one idea in mind, and it is not only to bring about this destruction, but then to give all power and authority over to the Beast, whom the ten Kings will rule alongside with for one hour. And we know the Beast (The Antichristrules for 42 months only when he does rise to ultimate Power and Authority (Revelation 13:5).
This destruction comes because God himselfhas put his idea into their hearts(The Kings of the Earth) to carry out his very purpose, and these Kings willbe of one mind in carrying this out, also in submitting their power and authority to the kingdom to the beast, "until the words of God have effect" and are complete Revelation 17:17.
A new partnership of nations has emerged...Out of these troubled times, a New World Order can emerge...A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavorToday that new world is struggling to be born...a world where the rule of lawsupplants the rule of the jungle; a world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice; a world where the strong respect the rights of the weak...This is the vision I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki.
N.W. Hutchings
When Will Babylon Be Destroyed?
Many are of the opinion that Babylon’s end comes at Armageddon, but note verse 17, in that the Kings of the Earth are doing this because God wills it, he puts it into their hearts to carry out his work, and they are doing it of one mind, and of one accord, with one goal in view, and that is to give Antichrist the Power to reign supremely.
There are other clues which also lead us to believe that this event occurs a lot sooner than most people think, and not at the end, not at Armageddon as commonly believedAnd the clues are in Revelation 18 as well as Daniel 9:27. From verse 9 of Revelation 18 onwards we read that the Kings and Traders who did Business with Babylon, note how they are standing and “Watching from afar off” the destruction that has come about in an hour. If this destruction was happening at Armageddon, then all the ungodly would be facing their end at this point in time, but Revelation 17 tells us this destruction actually "leads on to Antichrist receiving his power and authority". Power and Authority which must run its course for no longer than the allotted period 42 months.
(Daniel 9:27) also tells us that "all forms of worship cease at this point", and it’s at this point that (1) Antichrist storms Jerusalem, (2) makes it his seat of power, (3) sits down as the King and makes himself out to be God, and as something to be worshipped (4) All will be forced to worship Antichrist and take his mark, even on pain of death.
So fast will be Babylons demise, but this is not a spur of the moment action by Antichrist, but one that has already been planned, and the clue to this is in Revelation 18 again where the destruction comes because of an hour of Judgement.
Destruction Comes in One Hour
We have learned that the Kings of the Earth rule with Antichrist for one hour, and that this hour equals 42 months. I suggest, as part of this 7 year peace plan, that the destruction of Babylon will be an integral part of Antichrists agenda. On his riding forth in his conquest for World domination, this is the time when he will be executing all of his plans. This will be at the beginning of those last 7 years, and then actually carried out towards theend of the first 42 months period after Antichrist has brokered the 7 year Peace deal.
How Will It Be Destroyed and By Whom?
We have no idea yet what form this destruction will take, especially for those who will in their abject blindness will remain clinging on to Babylon and its false teachings, even though its destruction will be near. On rising to power, Antichrist, the King who will do as he pleases, he will also bring with him a “New Religion”, and one his father, nor even those of his fore fathers knew of (Daniel 11:37-38). Antichrists false prophet will be the tool in which all the Earth will be forced to bow down to an image of the Beast (Antichrist) even on pain of death (Compare Daniel 3:6, Revelation 13:15-18).
Can Anyone Be Saved Out of All of This?
The Call to Get out of Babylon will go forward as the Last Two Witnesses andthe Jewish Remnant of 144000 at the beginning of that final 7 Year period. At the beginning of these last 7 years, we will see the rise of two completely diametrically opposed ideas and representatives. Those of Satan and those of God. The representatives of God will cry out warnings to get out of Babylonwhen they preach the Good News of Gods Kingdom and Last Pronouncements of God. Those paying attention and coming out of Babylon and the Nations when they are being rocked by Gods last Witnesses, these are the ones that will be sealed from the Plagues that will occur during the Second half of those last 7 Years, that period which is commonly known as The Great Tribulation.
So, all must reckon on being prepared now for this time which is just ahead, either you wake up now, and act, or sleep on and be acted upon, the decision rests entirely with you.

Elijah Returns