Saturday 25 December 2010

Alert: PM Benjamin Netanyahu Has Agreed To Lease Jordan Valley From The Palestinians: A 7 Year Plan For Peace

Alert: PM Benjamin Netanyahu Has Agreed To Lease Jordan Valley From The Palestinians: A 7 Year Plan For Peace

Is Jesus Really The Archangel Michael?

Is Jesus Really The Archangel Michael?

Sister Sharon Answers Your Questions: The Two Witnesses According to The Interpretation of The Watchtower

Sister Sharon Answers Your Questions: The Two Witnesses According to The Interpretation of The Watchtower

The False Prophecies of The Watchtower By Dr. Ankerberg & Dr. Weldon

The False Prophecies of The Watchtower By Dr. Ankerberg & Dr. Weldon

Misapplication of Romans Chapter 9

Misapplication of Romans Chapter 9

Meggido: 1 & 2 The March To Armageddon

Meggido: 1 & 2 The March To Armageddon

The Last 7 Years of Mankind's History Part 1: The Six Seals [The First 1260 Days].

The Last 7 Years of Mankind's History Part 1: The Six Seals [The First 1260 Days].

The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society As Homeland Security Clergy Response Team Member: The Big Sell Out

The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society As Homeland Security Clergy Response Team Member: The Big Sell Out

The Rapidly Oncoming "Next" Worldwide Holocaust

The Rapidly Oncoming "Next" Worldwide Holocaust

Warning: The Watchtower Ranks No: 1 of The Worlds Most Dangerous & Destructive Cults: False Prophet & Religion From Hell

Warning: The Watchtower Ranks No: 1 of The Worlds Most Dangerous & Destructive Cults: False Prophet & Religion From Hell

Watchtower Bible And Tract Society Ranked As The No:1 Most Dangerous Cult in The World

Watchtower Bible And Tract Society Ranked As The No:1 Most Dangerous Cult in The World

Blood on The Altar By David A Reed MA: The Shocking Inside Story of Jehovah's Witnesses

Blood on The Altar By David A Reed MA: The Shocking Inside Story of Jehovah's Witnesses

The False Prophecies of The Watchtower By Dr. Ankerberg & Dr. Weldon

The False Prophecies of The Watchtower By Dr. Ankerberg & Dr. Weldon

World Improves Immediately After Armageddon

World Improves Immediately After Armageddon

Final Destination For The Wicked

Final Destination For The Wicked

Sukkot/The Feast of Tabernacles

Sukkot/The Feast of Tabernacles

Monday 20 December 2010

The End Times Elijah: The Way That is To Be Made Straight

The End Times Elijah: The Way That is To Be Made Straight

Does Your Religion Do Your Thinking For You?

Does Your Religion Do Your Thinking For You?: "69 Followers"

Do The 24 Elders of Revelation Represent Christians? By Raymond C Faircloth

Do The 24 Elders of Revelation Represent Christians? By Raymond C Faircloth

Yahweh Will Bring The Nations Into Judgement: Will You Stand Alongside Israel To Avoid That Judgement?

Yahweh Will Bring The Nations Into Judgement: Will You Stand Alongside Israel To Avoid That Judgement?

The Abusive Watchtower Religion: Definition of A Cult: To Verdaner Trailer

The Abusive Watchtower Religion: Definition of A Cult: To Verdaner Trailer

The Watchtower Publishing Cult Still Holding Fast To Two Witness Rule

The Watchtower Publishing Cult Still Holding Fast To Two Witness Rule

Blood on The Altar By David A Reed MA: The Shocking Inside Story of Jehovah's Witnesses

Blood on The Altar By David A Reed MA: The Shocking Inside Story of Jehovah's Witnesses

The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society As Homeland Security Clergy Response Team Member: The Big Sell Out

The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society As Homeland Security Clergy Response Team Member: The Big Sell Out

Sister Sharon's Postbag: The Watchtower Bible & Tract Cult, Child Abuse And Misuse of Romans 13

Sister Sharon's Postbag: The Watchtower Bible & Tract Cult, Child Abuse And Misuse of Romans 13

Bye, Bye Watchtower Bible & Tract Cult: I am Finally Free, And Thank God.

Bye, Bye Watchtower Bible & Tract Cult: I am Finally Free, And Thank God.

Blood on The Altar By David A Reed MA: The Shocking Inside Story of Jehovah's Witnesses

Blood on The Altar By David A Reed MA: The Shocking Inside Story of Jehovah's Witnesses

The False Prophecies of The Watchtower By Dr. Ankerberg & Dr. Weldon

The False Prophecies of The Watchtower By Dr. Ankerberg & Dr. Weldon

Goodbye For Now

Goodbye For Now

Dr. Colin Lundie's [Lang's] Letter To The Apostates (According To Interpretation of The Watchtower)

Dr. Colin Lundie's [Lang's] Letter To The Apostates (According To Interpretation of The Watchtower)

Sister Sharon's Postbag: The Watchtower Bible & Tract Cult, Child Abuse And Misuse of Romans 13

Sister Sharon's Postbag: The Watchtower Bible & Tract Cult, Child Abuse And Misuse of Romans 13

1 Thessalonians 4 Chasteness

1 Thessalonians 4 Chasteness