Gods Word The Bible: World Events and other Christian topics and issues.
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Friday, 24 December 2010
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Monday, 20 December 2010
Saturday, 23 October 2010
The Last Two Witnesses: Chinese (Simplified) By Elijah Returns (Chinese Translator Not Named)

从最后两位先知出现到万物的完结是七年。最近我们看到政治领导人集聚在瑞士,讨论世界从未有过的、不断衰退的经济形势,他们公开宣布,而且在思想上也一致认为,解决现今全球经济形势的一个方法是推行“世界统一银行”和“世界统一货币”,这些将要由现今的“老化的”、“病态的”、“失败的”联合国来管理。但是,由一个迫切要问的问题是,“这个最后的王什么时候拥有绝对控制权(正如我们将要看到的)?是谁到时候能够真正买卖?(启示录:13:15-18)这个讨论会同样呼吁重建这个“病态的”和“失败的”联合国以使他更加富有效率地、在“国际各族联盟”的旗帜下,实现世界统治。(对照 但以理7:25,12:11)
“这些事什么时候才有,他们的迹象是什么?”但以理的预言很准确,我们可以从他关于几年内的70个星期的预言中发现,他用了几乎同样的说明词来指出,当末日的时间快来的时候我们应该寻找什么,但以理书,和以西结、启示录一样,是关于末日的书,在但以理书7:23中用的词“最后”的意思是“最终”,“终于”“在一个没有其它什么更多的时间点”(希伯来裔德国人 Langenscheidt )。
罗马是但以理预言中的第四个兽,圣经在但以理书和启示录中告诉我们它有10个角,或者10个王要从中兴起,直到最后一个角来到,他不仅要侮辱3个王,而且还要说自大的话,使自己成为一个神,声称他可以做任何真的、全能的上帝可以做的事情,实在太不敬了,怪不得耶和华要与撒旦的这个令人讨厌的东西作战。(马可13:14。以西结28:1-3 以赛亚14:16:3-4,诗篇2:3)
他的法律会变得很严厉,由于没有这个王的印记,许多人,包括上帝的子民和他的义者,都会跌倒或死亡。(但以理7:23-24 启示录 17:11-13 11.2 13:5, 15-18 但以理12:11, 3:6).
耶稣说过,当我们看到这个东西站在他不该站的位置的时候,我们要逃跑,因为它标志着一段迫害与死亡的时间的开始。直到由撒但控制的名族时间完结了。路加福音是圣经中唯一提到此事的书(马太24:15,马太 13:14,路加21:24)
它要随着现今由英美统治的世界的崩溃而开始,而且这个崩溃与撒旦从天坠落是一致的,撒旦和他的野兽的统治时间只有42个月,撒旦在地上的短暂的时间之后,他要被仍进无底洞1000年,这一千年是基督的统治,撒旦因被扔进无底洞而愤怒。从1914年至今可不算短的时间,他的时间与兽一样,只有42个月,过了这42个月世界就会与往常不一样。撒旦被仍进无底洞而且他知道他的野兽和假先知将被毁灭,这就是他愤怒地离开去寻找耶和华义者的余下的人的原因,而且义者中的一些人会离开耶和华。(启12:1-12 , 6:12-17 但12:11a, 7:25 启13:5 , 20:1-3)
在最后两位见证人结束他们使命之前的75天,那个1375天的时期要开始,而且很有可能伴随着给那十四万四千人印记而开始(但以理12:12启7:3),两位见证人的死亡标志撒旦的崩溃与被逐出天国,也标志着野兽在地面上的1260天的统治的开始(驱除对耶和华的敬拜要30天+撒旦与野兽的统治的1260天=1290天)(但12:119, 7:25-26 启13:5)
当这个世界进入末日的时候,那将会是很可怕的,但只有很短暂的一段时间,尽管如此,这段时间还是充满了可怕与恐惧,这种恐惧将会在上帝的子民和他的义者身上发生,《圣经》告诉我们这个兽要与他们征战,征服他们甚至杀了他们,而且这会一直延续下去直到“各族的时间”完结,如路加福音所说。路加福音是《圣经》中唯一提到“各族的时间,各族的践踏”的书,(启11:2 但7:21, 24-25,12:11 路加21:20-24 )
为什么要攻击上帝的子民呢?但以理说是为了一个清洗的工作,而且这个清理的工作要通过对各民族的践踏到来,这个践踏开始是由野兽和巴比伦实施的,而且他们会一直践踏直到时间的完结,为什么?因为那些人自称是上帝的子民,尽管他们不是,而且他们丢弃了正义,呼喊声和泪水被带到耶和华面前(启11:1 但8:13-14 路加21:24彼得前书4:14 以西结9:6诗篇1:5 马太7:21-23 但以理书8:14 以赛亚书59:13-15 撒迦利亚书5:1-11,诗篇 106:6)
他们已经采用了暴力行为,谋杀行为,对孩子的卑劣的、令人厌恶的、不道德的行为,与联合国的不道德行为,和错误的教育,这错误的教育实际上是一种背叛上帝的行为,他们还说违背上帝旨意和精神的言辞,这些可憎的行为还没有使上帝放在心上,这些行为并不是上帝的命令。真正的好牧人会主动负责而且羊群也会期望好牧人藏到避风的地方,因为羊群发现自己在被放逐之列的最前面,甚至在被刀剑击杀的最前面,刀剑的击杀是在特定好的时候到来的,(启示录11:1 ,9:4 但以理8:13-14 路加福音21:24,彼得前书4:14,17以西结书9:6 诗篇1:5马太福音7:21-23以赛亚书59:13-15,32:7 诗篇106:5 撒迦利亚5:1-5)
如果这些事情要降临在上帝的义者和他的子民和所有的人类身上,为什么那个所谓的、自己认命自己的、忠诚的、深谋远虑的仆人没有宣告出来让人们知道?因为这会很好,结果是失去一个人的生命,为的是不宣布这些事情,这些事情是上帝让他的仆人先知知道的,让他宣告出来(以西结书33:6 马太福音24:45-47 希伯来书3:18 阿摩司3:7 箴言24:11-12 )相反他们正如耶利米巧妙的说的,宗教领袖们说“刀剑必不来,刀剑必不来”,而实际上刀剑必来,而且追赶他们到绝境,(耶利米6:14)清洗的工作将会在1150天的时间里发生,或者在2300个早晨和晚上发生,如但以理书第8章所描写的。
至于那个所谓的、自己任命自己的、忠诚的仆人,他是不是已经被任命为这个家庭中的一员或者还没有,正如经上清楚的说的,将要有一个人被赐予才能,去作这项工作,但他没有去作,他将要与其它假冒伪善的人一样,被仍在外边,一起经历那即将来临的毁灭。(路加福音12:42-48,19:12-27 马太福音24:45-51,25:21 马可福音13:34-37 使徒行传20:31)
这个人或这个群体甚至认为他们所做的都是为上帝而做,他们给那兽神一般的服侍,他们是多么瞎眼啊!他们里面的黑暗是何等的大啊!这些人所立的约与犹大的一样。(约翰福音16:2b 路加福音22:29)
我们将会目睹一些非常惊人的、非常令人害怕的事件,但是这些认识他们上帝的人将会做出有见识的行动,并且传授知识给那些有印记的、要被从这些事情中解救出来的人。这个挽救性的、补偿性的工作,将会伴随着两个站立在耶和华面前的见证人的出现而马上开始,这两个见证人讲说生命的言语和真理(启示录13:3 撒迦利亚4:14)
Friday, 22 October 2010
The Tempestuous Mr Alex Jones
Alex Jones, known to many for his rants, raves and tempestuous outbursts with the use of his Bullhorn, and usually in opposition to the socialist propaganda machine and coming New World Order.
Many love him, and many that say they do, yet their actions say something totally different. These ones being, as Alex says, the "co-intel mentally ill", and "federal plants". These people are online merely for the sake of destroying the work, morale and hopes of real truth seeking people, the real patriots and the real constitutionalists. The real people trying to make things better in the light of real and in face of hardcore tyranny.
Many say the Jones is a nut, that he is even a Government plant. I would like to ask how many of you have seen other nuts like him with the hardcore evidence that he has? Why would the Government target people like Jones? The only time when Governments do this, is when people like Jones are speaking the truth, and are a threat to them, a threat in that people like Jones are trying to awaken the public to what is going on and what the end result will be.
What Jones broadcasts, these cannot be classed as mainstream, because mainstream is just that, mainstream. Mainstream doesn’t fall into the same league or category in comparison to what Jones produces. The Government uses the media to form the public opinion according to their agenda, but Jones broadcasts and tells you what the truth is, as well as what Government agenda is, and it most definitely doesn’t involve anything good for you or for me, nor indeed anyone..
I haven’t arrived at this conclusion because I am a fan of Jones, but because I have examined all he has produced, and find it difficult to believe how a “supposed” could even arrive at the conclusions which Jones does without some kind of valid research? How a nut could produce such intricate and painstaking work as Alex Jones has done? Work that is highly detailed in every way, work that is completely bulletproof.
How could someone like Jones have the backing of men of power, credibility and integrity, produce high quality work like he does, then be classified as a nut and terrorist?
How could someone that loves truth, his country and mankind be a terrorist?
What real Terrorist would have the backing of people of power, credibility and integrity?
Further, what kind of nut could produce work such as Jones does? A work that is painstakingly researched and produced, and then presented to the public in a very clear, transparent and easy to understand way?
Jones and his team do this at considerable cost, even placing their own lives in grave danger, and those of their families. Since I first heard Jones on the George Galloway show on Talksport, he has definitely come a long way, and this can be seen in the quality of the material he has produced. He goes from strength to strength, and more and more people are waking up to him, taking note and listening.
How many of you can say this of Government front man and Fox TV News Presenter Glenn Beck? The productions of Glenn Beck, they can hardly be described as “cutting edge”, all except for the Donald Duck Productions which are highly informative. Beck hardly draws ones attention, except for those who are loyal to their masters in Whitehouse. Then again, what Government and Regime like that which reigns in America and Britain at the moment wants a well informed public that has the ability to think for themselves?
There will always be groups, who are Government plants, who will try their level best to destroy the work of the real truth seekers, but, regardless of what they do, the truth will always come out.
If you have never heard of Jones, and are concerned the way things are going in your country, then maybe a visit to Prisonplanet and infowars will prove to be highly informative, maybe even life changing. All his Movies and Documentaries are available to download and view on many websites. If you haven’t viewed these, now is your chance, why don’t you take a break from what is routine and mundane and visit Prisonplanet today, you may be glad you did?
Time to turn of FOX, CNN, BBC and other mainstream news now, and to tune in where it is all happening: Visit Prisonplanet.tv
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Reverend Georgina On Religious Legalism and Abusive Religions
God's plan is a Grace plan. God the Father does the work, man receives the benefit. God receives the glory for His own works; man receives no glory.
The greatest distortion to Grace is religious legalism.
Religion and Legalism are Satan's Ace and King of trump, the primary means by which he "blinds the minds of those who seek Christ" and which are included in Eph. 4:14 as part of "...every wind of doctrine, sleight of men, cunning craftiness, by which they lie in wait to deceive."
By these means, Satan tries to disrupt the plan of God and blind people to Grace principles
The word "religion" used in a strict sense here, not in the general sense of "the service or worship of God." In the general sense, of course, Christianity could be viewed as a religion. But most religion is legalistic, and we must distinguish the Christian way of life from other religious practice:
Religion is any system in which man by his own efforts tries to earn the approval of God.
Furthermore, the definition for legalism has to do with religious legalism, so:
Legalism is a religious system that teaches that a person can do something to earn or merit salvation or blessing from God.
The purpose of this article is to help you identify religious legalism in all of its forms. The article will define and illustrate the concept of legalism, and show you how to distinguish legalism from Grace thinking and activities. There are also numerous references to Bible teaching on legalism, particularly from the Epistle to the Galatians, where the Jews had a very difficult time reconciling Law and Grace.
It is very important that you understand the doctrine of Grace also. Grace is an extensive Bible category. The majority of the blessings and privileges of the Christian life depend on knowing and using Grace principles. So it's vital that you master the subject.
To understand these concepts clearly, you should also study some of the other topics which are related to legalism, especially Grace.
Some categorical studies which you can request from Grace Notes are: The Barrier; Circumcision; Confession of Sin; Grace; Judgment, Justice, and Judging; Satan; Spirituality.
Defining Legalism
The standard (Webster's New Collegiate) definition for legalism is: .strict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral Code.
This definition does not seem very clear. What is, after all, "excessive" conformity to the law? I suppose it would be excessive to insist on driving 55 mph on the Interstate when people are stacked up behind you wanting to go 70. Legalism on the highway is sometimes dangerous.
But, strict obedience to God's laws is not wrong. In fact, failure to obey is sin. Also, you can certainly decide to set a high standard for yourself in some area, based on your understanding of the obligations of the Christian life. This is not wrong, and it is not legalism (by our previous definition of religious legalism), even though it might be strict conformance. (It is legalism, however, to think that by maintaining high standards you are somehow doing something to merit salvation or to earn blessings or rewards.)
For example, your view of the moral code of Rom. 14:21 may lead you to adopt abstinence from alcohol as a standard, out of your regard for weaker brethren who might be caused to stumble. This would certainly be a strict and legal conformity; but it's not legalism, because you are not trying to earn points with God by your actions. Someone else may consider this excessive, but it's none of their business. It is not wrong for you to set high standards for yourself, and neither is it religious legalism. In fact, quite often what a grace believer calls legalistic is really someone else's setting high standards for himself.
A stricter general definition of legalism is found in the Oxford English Dictionary: The principles of those who hold a theological position of adhering to the Law as opposed to the Gospel; the doctrine of Justification by Works, or teaching which savours of that doctrine.
Romans 4:4,5 states the case succinctly, "Now to him that works is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt; but to him that works not, but believes on Him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness."
And Romans 11:6 is clear, "And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work."
Our human system of work and reward is like this: I work for you and you pay me. This is obviously legitimate, it's the way commerce works under divine institutions and free enterprise.
But the religious legalist is convinced that God works by the same system - or at least he hopes so. He says: I work for God and God rewards me by saving me and blessing me in some way.
That's not how God operates. He has no need or desire for our works; in fact, our works are offensive to Him. Isa. 64:6, "All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags..." If I try to impress God with my works, He discards them as filthy rags.
That's why we say that religious legalism, which tries to promote a works approach to God, is a "system that teaches that a person can do something to earn or merit salvation or blessing from God."
The word "legalism" also refers to any merit system which operates by works, by which a person tries to please God, or to assist God, or to glorify God by human power.
Religious legalism also refers to any system of religious bondage imposed on someone by another individual, or by an organization, that attempts to make that person a practitioner of legalism. Bullying tactics are often used: "Unless you accept our point of view, you are not one of us!" Ostracism is a very powerful persuader of novice Christians.
So, while it is not legalism to have high standards, it is legalism to try to impose those standards on others as a system of spirituality.
The word "grace", however, is used in the Bible to refer to all that God is free to do for mankind because of the Work that has already been performed for us by the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. Grace means that man has received from God that which he has not earned or deserved. Nothing that we are, and nothing that we can do, is enough to qualify us for anything that the Lord has to give us. In fact, our works cause us to be arrogant in the presence of God, something He will not tolerate.
Read Romans 2:17-23, A Portrait of a Boaster
Read Romans 4:1-6, "But Not Before God..."
Systems of Legalism
There are four principal spiritual transactions in which Works are not accepted by God: Salvation, Spirituality, Maturity, and Reward.
Legalism in Salvation
There are many religious systems which teach salvation by works, or which try to mix works with faith, such as:
Religion is any system in which man by his own efforts tries to earn the approval of God.
Furthermore, the definition for legalism has to do with religious legalism, so:
Legalism is a religious system that teaches that a person can do something to earn or merit salvation or blessing from God.
The purpose of this article is to help you identify religious legalism in all of its forms. The article will define and illustrate the concept of legalism, and show you how to distinguish legalism from Grace thinking and activities. There are also numerous references to Bible teaching on legalism, particularly from the Epistle to the Galatians, where the Jews had a very difficult time reconciling Law and Grace.
It is very important that you understand the doctrine of Grace also. Grace is an extensive Bible category. The majority of the blessings and privileges of the Christian life depend on knowing and using Grace principles. So it's vital that you master the subject.
To understand these concepts clearly, you should also study some of the other topics which are related to legalism, especially Grace.
Some categorical studies which you can request from Grace Notes are: The Barrier; Circumcision; Confession of Sin; Grace; Judgment, Justice, and Judging; Satan; Spirituality.
Defining Legalism
The standard (Webster's New Collegiate) definition for legalism is: .strict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral Code.
This definition does not seem very clear. What is, after all, "excessive" conformity to the law? I suppose it would be excessive to insist on driving 55 mph on the Interstate when people are stacked up behind you wanting to go 70. Legalism on the highway is sometimes dangerous.
But, strict obedience to God's laws is not wrong. In fact, failure to obey is sin. Also, you can certainly decide to set a high standard for yourself in some area, based on your understanding of the obligations of the Christian life. This is not wrong, and it is not legalism (by our previous definition of religious legalism), even though it might be strict conformance. (It is legalism, however, to think that by maintaining high standards you are somehow doing something to merit salvation or to earn blessings or rewards.)
For example, your view of the moral code of Rom. 14:21 may lead you to adopt abstinence from alcohol as a standard, out of your regard for weaker brethren who might be caused to stumble. This would certainly be a strict and legal conformity; but it's not legalism, because you are not trying to earn points with God by your actions. Someone else may consider this excessive, but it's none of their business. It is not wrong for you to set high standards for yourself, and neither is it religious legalism. In fact, quite often what a grace believer calls legalistic is really someone else's setting high standards for himself.
A stricter general definition of legalism is found in the Oxford English Dictionary: The principles of those who hold a theological position of adhering to the Law as opposed to the Gospel; the doctrine of Justification by Works, or teaching which savours of that doctrine.
Romans 4:4,5 states the case succinctly, "Now to him that works is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt; but to him that works not, but believes on Him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness."
And Romans 11:6 is clear, "And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work."
Our human system of work and reward is like this: I work for you and you pay me. This is obviously legitimate, it's the way commerce works under divine institutions and free enterprise.
But the religious legalist is convinced that God works by the same system - or at least he hopes so. He says: I work for God and God rewards me by saving me and blessing me in some way.
That's not how God operates. He has no need or desire for our works; in fact, our works are offensive to Him. Isa. 64:6, "All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags..." If I try to impress God with my works, He discards them as filthy rags.
That's why we say that religious legalism, which tries to promote a works approach to God, is a "system that teaches that a person can do something to earn or merit salvation or blessing from God."
The word "legalism" also refers to any merit system which operates by works, by which a person tries to please God, or to assist God, or to glorify God by human power.
Religious legalism also refers to any system of religious bondage imposed on someone by another individual, or by an organization, that attempts to make that person a practitioner of legalism. Bullying tactics are often used: "Unless you accept our point of view, you are not one of us!" Ostracism is a very powerful persuader of novice Christians.
So, while it is not legalism to have high standards, it is legalism to try to impose those standards on others as a system of spirituality.
The word "grace", however, is used in the Bible to refer to all that God is free to do for mankind because of the Work that has already been performed for us by the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. Grace means that man has received from God that which he has not earned or deserved. Nothing that we are, and nothing that we can do, is enough to qualify us for anything that the Lord has to give us. In fact, our works cause us to be arrogant in the presence of God, something He will not tolerate.
Read Romans 2:17-23, A Portrait of a Boaster
Read Romans 4:1-6, "But Not Before God..."
Systems of Legalism
There are four principal spiritual transactions in which Works are not accepted by God: Salvation, Spirituality, Maturity, and Reward.
Legalism in Salvation
There are many religious systems which teach salvation by works, or which try to mix works with faith, such as:
Believe + keep the Law of Moses
Believe + be circumcised
Believe + water baptism
Believe + confess your sins
Believe + give up your bad habits and fully surrender
Believe + make a public display or have great sorrow of a show of tears
Believe + church membership
But the Gospel is Believe plus Nothing!
Legalism in Christian Living
Here are some types of religious legalism imposed on Christians:
Taboos: thinking one is spiritual because he doesn't do certain things or follows a certain do's and don'ts.
Imitating Personalities: the idea that living the Christian life is conformity in dress, mannerisms, speech, etc.
Relative Righteousness: "your sins are worse than mine, therefore I am more spiritual" or "I am spiritual and you are carnal."
Ecstatics: spirituality by speaking in tongues, groaning, getting in a trance, fainting.
Asceticism: spirituality by self-sacrifice or extreme self denial; giving up normal activities or even necessities in the mistaken notion that God is impressed.
Ritual: idea that one is spiritual because he goes through various forms of ceremony or ritual. In the Apostle's day, the Jews promoted circumcision as necessary to the Christian walk. These days, baptism is used, or one of the other sacraments.
Confusing Means with Results: the idea that you are spiritual if you are faithful in praying, giving, witnessing, attending church, and so forth. But - these legitimate activities are a result of Christian growth and the filling of the Holy Spirit. They are not the means for spirituality or growth in Christ. It is important to distinguish this difference.
The Grace principle is this: when you are in fellowship, occupied with Christ, and controlled by the Holy Spirit, all of your activities bring eternal reward (gold, silver, precious stones). You are producing divine good, and the spiritual power for your efforts comes from God as a grace provision.
When you are out of fellowship (sin not confessed), you are occupied with yourself, you control yourself, everything is chaos. You produce human good (wood, hay, and stubble). There is no spiritual power supporting your efforts, and there is no reward for them in heaven.
Obedience to God's Word is not legalism. Remember the definition. Everything you do has the potential for reward in heaven, under the right circumstances.
But the legalist thinks that the good works he does for God will not only keep him in fellowship and walking with the Lord but will also make him more spiritual and a great Christian.
Characteristics of the Weaker Brother - Romans 14
[ Please read Romans chapter 14 before going through the discussion in this section. ]
Romans 14 has a splendid description of the characteristics of a legalistic person who is called the "weaker brother." This is a great passage about how to think grace toward someone who does something obnoxious or "unspiritual". Remember - we all have areas of weakness. You may be the stronger believer in some of your areas of strength, and a weaker brother in areas of weakness. The idea in both cases is to avoid legalism and judgmentalism.
The strong believer in Romans 14 is mature, oriented to grace and the plan of God, occupied with Christ, and operates in fellowship most of the time under the power of the Holy Spirit.
The weaker brother is disoriented to grace, especially in the area of spirituality, and practices one or more forms of legalism. He is not comfortable unless he is judging the stronger believer in some grey area of behavior. The weaker brother has one or more of the following characteristics:
The weaker brother is strong on scruples but not well informed about doctrine or divine viewpoint.
The weaker brother operations on criteria of feelings, emotions, traditions, experiences, background, instead of Bible truth.
The weaker brother operates in the energy of the flesh, producing human good (wood, hay, stubble) which he thinks is divine good (gold, silver, precious stones).
The weaker brother is proud and critical of the strong believer, always judging him.
The weaker brother sticks his nose into the affairs of others by gossiping, maligning, and judging.
The weaker brother likes to set up a mold and try to squeeze everyone into it, so he is a bully.
The weaker brother has a guilt complex, so he is emotionally unstable; he is sensitive and demands attention; he is full of self-pity and lusts for approbation in his sin nature.
The weaker brother is jealous of others and tries to discredit them; he nitpicks and condemns the activities and projects of others.
Note: the weaker brother is weak because he resists Grace doctrines. He can recover quickly by confessing sin, being controlled by the Holy Spirit, and pursuing a program of intake of Bible truth which will make him spiritually strong.
Illustration from Galatians
It is important that you read the entire Epistle to the Galations prior to reading this outline review of legalism in the Galatian church. The sequence of events was:
The Galatian believers came under the influence of Judaistic legalism from the Circumcision crowd.
They took themselves out from under the Grace principle and put themselves under the Law.
They soon adopted a practice of observing the days, months, times, and years.
This influenced their appreciation of their teacher and turned the Apostle Paul into an "enemy."
Their growth process was stopped and Christ was not "formed in them", so they were not growing into maturity.
As a result of slowed growth and the absence of maturity, bonafide production (by means of the filling of the Holy Spirit) was curtailed, and their only production was a false production expressed as lusts of the flesh.
Along with this pseudo-production went many other factors:
- The glory-seeking concept of 5:26
- The practice of straightening everyone else out, 6:1
- The concept of "weariness" with actual doctrinal spiritual production, 6:2-6
- The program of "impressing others", peers, subordinates, or superiors, 6:11-13
- The idea that man gets the glory, God is left out, the antithesis of Grace, 6:14,15
The principles to be derived from the example of the Galatian church are listed below:
Legalism is a result of a process of turning away from the truth. It is therefore deliberate (volitional). People deliberately choose legalism.
The type of legalism which a person follows is often be related to some kind of background exposure, practice, or principle. A person's culture and upbringing will determine what type of religion he follows. Galatians deals with religious legalism which came out of Jewish law and practice.
Legalism always has a pseudo-content, "another gospel of a different kind". Gal. 1:6.
Once legalism begins to operate in a believer's life, he becomes suspicious of another person's motives, methods, message. Gal. 1:10-12.
A mature Christian who has been in a legalistic religion can spot legalism a mile off. Paul was at the top of Judaism before his conversion. Gal. 1:13,14.
Legalism sometimes uses techniques of infiltration, or spying, to gather information, while operating under a cloak of respectability. The legalist will bide his time until it suits his purpose to act. Gal. 2:1-4.
When legalists are met with truth, in terms of content and procedure, it crumbles and is unable to fulfill its objectives. Strong teaching keeps legalists from getting their campaigns launched. Gal. 2:5-9.
When legalists lose a battle on one front, they will regroup and form another base of operations on another front. When legalists cannot get a grasp on a person when he is in the company of strong believers, they will concentrate on him when he is standing alone.
Legalism is often seen in leadership before it is seen in the congregation. And when a leader gets involved in legalism, he influences others to go with him. This happens often when a project is going sour and the leader is desperate for support. Example: when there is financial trouble, there is a great temptation to get away from principles of grace giving.
The content of legalism is often something that has a bonafide function in some other context. In the Galatian churches, legalism was a distortion of the Law. The Law has a real and bonafide function, "to bring us to Christ", and legalism distorted it. Other examples: legalism takes the doctrine of Separation and makes it the doctrine of spirituality; it takes the doctrine of Baptism and makes it the doctrine of church membership.
The term "bondage" in Gal. 5:1 means "the slavery to the principles and ways of regular human living." This is not the idea of degraded lasciviousness or debauchery. The Law was bonafide; circumcision was bonafide. But these were distorted by legalists to that they became the master of the person instead of his tools.
The legalistic person has been "bewitched." This terms means "to have evil brought upon you by vain praise." Legalism appeals to a person's lust for approbation and tries to drag him into legalism to satisfy it. Gal. 3:1-3.
The person in legalism is described as "foolish", meaning "not understanding." Legalism is one of the greatest robbers of Christian benefits; it robs people of their understanding of the Word of God and all of the benefits of the Grace life.
The legalist does not learn from experience. He has great tenacity; and despite many failures and vain strivings, he still can't see his error. He sees his programs not working, so he has to go from one thing to the next, always looking for something better, never satisfied, and never satisfying others. Gal. 3:4.
The very thing that the legalist puts himself under is that which rises up to smite him. When a Christian puts himself under the taboos of others, he can't measure up. So he puts himself under a church organization, and he still can't measure up. The very system that he embraces proves him to be deficient by always presenting a moving target. Grace is the only system which does not magnify the believer's deficiencies.
Reverend Georgina
St Ivy's Manse
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